Lt. Dan's Progess Report

Discussion in 'Members Progress Reports' started by LTDan, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    purpling can be prevented by watching what you clean your windows with... no windex or anything with ammonia for that matter... as far as the scratching I'm hoping to do the mole skin mod. Looks complicated to do though
  2. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    I bought amonia free windex type cleaner
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I haven't cleaned my windows... ever... they have dog slobber all over them... :lol:

    I believe the moleskin helps. It'll still scratch I think just not nearly as bad.
  4. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    I see... dog slober = amonia equivalent hehe

    Is there any permanent fix for the scratching then? and what's causing it?
  5. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    Out of pure impulse I might go out and get the tints tomorrow morning if all goes well. Pics to come shortly after if I do go through with it!
  6. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

  7. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    I have to wait till saturday to get my tints on. Didn't know you needed to make an appointment! :cry:

    I think I might install the CAI today thought!
  8. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    yeah they take time to do.
  9. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    Injen CAI is on! sounds great. Pics will be up tomorrow morn
  10. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    nooo not tommorrow, NOW! haha ;)
  11. cramm

    cramm Well-Known Member

    Your nails kinda dirty :D

    Enjoy with the CAI..
  12. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    haha sry... too dark and too cold! Hydroshield is still in the mail so I hope I don't hit any puddles in the near future! **knocks on wood**
  13. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    lmao... it took me a while to realize what this meant till I reviewed all of my pics. I would like you to know that I cut them right after I took the pic haha
  14. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    Getting my car tinted tomorrow and I'm still torn:
    20% or 35%... what do you all think?
  15. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    which ever is legal where you live
  16. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    neither is :p
  17. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    i would rather go legal man. I did 35% on my windows and its not super dark but im happy. i would rather go legal and save $$$
  18. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    thats the thing... in NY the legal tint is 70% and thats only for the back windows... I understand that they won't bust your balls as much with the 35% but is there a significant difference between the 2?
  19. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    i dont understand tint % some states the lower the number the better while others the higher the better. for me with 35% you can see threw my car on a sunny day no problem while when its darker its a little harder
  20. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what % mine are:


    But they look cool, and I know they're legal... but I dunno what they are haha any guesses?