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Magnaflow Catback SS Exhaust - Now Available

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by Karan, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    it sounds too rugged, sounds like a small truck taking off, sounds horrible.

    i wouldn't buy it.
  2. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Just picked it up from the dealership yesterday. Was $567 + taxes (Around $450USD). Will try to have it installed tomorrow, fingers crossed all goes well.


  3. 09gtsguy

    09gtsguy Active Member

    looks pretty sweet, and cant wait to see it installed, but why were the taxes so much???? 450 bucks????? 8O
  4. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Sorry for being unclear. The taxes are only 5% of the cost here. $450 US $ is the price of the exhaust only, when you convert from $567 Canadian $.

    Just had it installed this morning. Going to pick it up from the shop after work this evening. Will take some pics and short videos soon.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Hope everything turns out sweet Karan. And i dont know if i have ever said this, but your camera takes some joygasmic pictures... The quality on all of your pics is ridiculous. how about sending me your camera for a few days to take some good shots of my car :)
  6. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Thanks dude! :)

    I just picked up the car a little while ago and drove it straight home. The weather is brutal outside, its like -15c and a freaking blizzard. I was barely going over 1500RPM the whole way through. But the tip looks really nice back there. And the sound was a nice deep rumble inside the cabin. Will take some pics and videos once the weather improves a bit.

    As for the camera, well I recently started to get into photography and bought this Canon Rebel XSi, and then later bought a 55-250mm zoom lens for it. So far its been doing a pretty nice job :)


  7. 09gtsguy

    09gtsguy Active Member

    sweet!, cant wait for the pictures and vids! :D
  8. olvhec

    olvhec Well-Known Member

    Well Im at work using crappy speakers right now, so I am probably not getting the right idea here, but from what I heard I really didnt prefer. And the title on that dyno sheet is a trip :lol:. I would have thought they would check there website after updating to make sure everything is in order. And for the price I will just stick to my little custom axleback setup I got done for 60 bucks at a local shop. Got it with a flange to bolt to my exhuast and mandrel bends, know some of the guy's family so I think I kinda got the hook up. Its pretty much the same as works exhuast but my tip is different, only thing I didnt like was that it sticks out past the bumper to far for my likes, but at least it wont melt it...
  9. 08Lancer89

    08Lancer89 Well-Known Member

    cant wait to see your pics 8)

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    ooooh man, ooohh man pics and video please please please hahahah...as of now i have a custom exhaust and i am dying to have something named brand...this one seems affordable!
  11. Nosman

    Nosman Active Member

    Where did your get it from ? because i can't seem to find that great of a price .
  12. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Picked it up from the dealership. But I heard Mopac and JB's Power Center have it too. I would check with some local shops.

    Sorry I havent been able to put up any more pics or videos yet. Its snowing and around -30 outside this weeknd! As soon as it warms up I'll get on it guys.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    damn snow and cold.. The reason i want pics from you is i am on a edge of purchasing the exhaust, its just i am not able to find any good pictures and sound clips...The ones on magnaflow site are crap... So i am kind of just waiting for you to post the pics and i will decide if i like it.
  14. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    i installed mine last week it sounds awesome and definately improved the power.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    can someone take some good videos and pics of underneath.....PLEASE!!!
  16. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    Ill do it before the end of the week I have been driving my other car here recently.

  17. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Went outside and took a few pictures today as it finally warmed up, relatively speaking as its still -8c. Apologies for the filthy car!





    Will make some video clips tomorrow and post them on Youtube.
  18. BlueBallLancer

    BlueBallLancer Well-Known Member

    now thats some winter wheels!! what car did you pull those off of?
  19. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Heh Its just a bunch of 16" steelies I bought last winter for $50 a piece. Didn't really feel the need to buy alloys for the messy winters. Figured I was better off saving that cash for some nice summer wheels ;)

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    nice pictures bro thanks.. now just need that video please... try too upload it in better quality