My 09 Ralliart

Discussion in 'Ralliart - General Information' started by silthos, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. silthos

    silthos Member

    Here are some pics of my ralliart.



    ralliart and my 03 lancer turbo:
  2. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    :tongue9: good choice in color, post some pics of interior
  3. silthos

    silthos Member

    will do soon.
  4. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    if you dont mind me asking what was the otd price
  5. silthos

    silthos Member

    23,945 i think.
  6. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    damn thats not bad at all
  7. silthos

    silthos Member

    Yeah I know. msrp was 29k. I had it shipped to my door from Florida to Louisiana. I had it for a little over a month now.
  8. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    hows the handling on it
  9. silthos

    silthos Member

    real nice. It's not an evo but it will do :D
  10. silthos

    silthos Member

    some interior pics: sorry this comes from my cell phone.

  11. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Looks real nice. def. good color choice.
  12. silthos

    silthos Member

    thanks :)
  13. chileanpride06

    chileanpride06 Well-Known Member

    wow, i am still waiting out here for the ralliarts to come, they look really nice.
  14. silthos

    silthos Member

    hope they come soon for you.
  15. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    I've seen better :D Nice man1