A woman in a hot air balloon.....

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedGalant2k1, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member


  2. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    People supporting McCain dont have anything better to do than make jokes cause they cant stand the feeling of defeat :roll:
  3. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    This is so funny bout like the post turtle!

    That is when you are driving down a country road and see a turtle on top of a fence post. You don't have a clue what he's doing that high up, he doesn't have a clue what he's doing that high up, he has no business being that high up, and you know he didn't get that high up by himself and now that he's there, he doesn't know what to do about it.
  4. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Well, just like we have to get used to Obama as president y'all have to get used to the jokes. I can't wait to see what Saturday Night Live does...lol
  5. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    ooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! smack......
  6. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Kind of like the people that 'got defeated' when Bush won in 2000 AND 2004?

    I guess the term turn around is fair play isn't the case when it deals with a democratic candidate huh?

    Sucks when people make fun of you candidate huh?
  7. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Fuck Obama lol...
  8. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Yup, pretty much...fuck Obama...lol
  9. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    They did like an experiment on the Howard Stern show where they asked people if they were voting for Obama because hes black and people of course were saying no. But when the people on the show switched around McCain's words with Obama's words, people were saying how they suppose the war and want to continue it such and such....I've asked alot of my friend's why they voted for Obama and alot of them say stupid stuff, like He'll bring change, or we need to get the troops out immediately...stupid stuff when they're ignorant (their my friends but some are just stupid) and have no idea whats going on with politics. Only reason people voted for Obama was becauses he's black....unfortunately, now were gonna get stuck with Biden in office because some racist person is gonna assasinate Obama (too many racist and prejudice people in this world for something like that not to happen). So basically all the stupid people that voted for Obama without knowing any of his policies fuck the Us more than it already is; and if you knew anything about his politics you would know he only has like 2 good policies to improve schooling and health care, other than that yall screwed the country more than McCain ever could have. Obama won but I'm curious to see if he carries out half the stuff he said he will within in his 4 years. My ranting is finished...
  10. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    you guys got OBAMAROLL'd LMAO

    check it > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65I0HNvTDH4

    thats fucking awesome...

    anyways.. im a moving forward guy... to be honest i didnt even vote ;) I always roll with the punches... if life gives you lemons, learn how to fucking do lemonade... hard way or the high way.. thats the way i was raise and thats how i roll... I have faith that everything is gonna work for better... im not from any politic party, im with the "we need to better US" party.. whatever that means... im doing it..

    Anyways, Obama winning is not a surprise for us that read the bible... its all there.... in 3.5 years, shit will hit the fan... write that down and call me in 3.5 years :)

    but yea.,. isnt that video awesome? :D
  11. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    lol... there is another better one out there eKetor...

    Anyone else think that Obama is the antichrist lol...
  12. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    I read that, then started thinking this:

    lol makes sense. next election is 2012. isn't that when the mayans said it's the end of the world?

    personally i didn't like either one much. but the 1 guy i did like got knocked out early. i don't technically perscribe to any one party, though i do favor repulican. however, even as much as i hate hillary, i'd still have voted for her before either one of these guys. and it's not a color issue either. i'd probably vote jesse jackson before barack hussein obama.
  13. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    I voted for Mc Cain and Obama won. There's a good thing about this anyway;

    1. no one can say anymore that this country is racist, even if there are some that still are.
    2. no one can't said that the white man on the big house is "holding me down"
    3. big fat Michael Moore cannot said anymore that you cannot make it in this country.
  14. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    There will be some good things that come from Obama being president and one MAJOR one is going to be foreign relations. The next four years will be very interesting.
  15. Beta107

    Beta107 Active Member

    So typical. "We gave ya'll one boy, be happy"
    1) Racism exists, Obama can't cure it although him being president does say that race relations in the US has gotten slightly better.
    2) People can say what they want, but it's not always the truth. Sort of like the WMDs in Iraq.
    3) Michael Moore is great. Looking forward to is next production.

    Thank goodness we don't have to undergo another republican in office especially someone who would pick a running mate such as Sarah Palin and think that the American people would be so dumb as to honestly think she was qualified to run the country if that situation presented itself. I am Democrat and always thought that John McCain was a alright guy until his pick for VP. Also the republican ticket ran one of the worst campaigns that I have ever seen and possibly one of the worst campaigns ever; internal fighting, policy changes every 2-3 weeks, constant contraditions of one another. If anything is to be said of the way the candidates managed their campaigns then it would be clear who should have won, well it was clear and he won by a slandslide.

    It's wierd how people say Obama is a socialist with his healthcare policy, but is the current president not showing a "bit" of socialism when he decides to give $700B to banks that cannot keep themselves afloat? So doctors and hospitals should not be accessible to all peopleis what republicans say, well then if that's the case we should do the same for the police department and fire department. what if they only responded to people who could afford them oh and prove it to them prior to responding to the emergency. Well I could go on for days, but the truth is there is no need to. Whether you like it or not Obama will be the president of the USA. I saw where someone wrote that a racist person would assasinate Obama and Biden would be in office. Obama is prepared, he knows the dangers of the position he is in as one may have noticed on election night when he spoke he did so alone and had his family removed from the stage prior to his speaking. It's a shame that those types of measures have to be put in place for only some people, but then people say things like, "no one can say anymore that this country is racist, even if there are some that still are". Just felt the need to get a bit off of my chest, enjoy the ranting in the McPalin forum we all need somewhere to sulk.
  16. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    "Slightly" better? 40 years ago it was almost a sin to consider an African American (Read: Colored American, since 1) they weren't born in Africa and 2) They aren't even African) as President. Its a HUGE leap forward.

    Based on precedent our Four Fathers set forth the government is supposed to be our guards for our security. That doesn't include forced coercion with regard to excessive taxation and things like universal healthcare. If they wanted that they would have made it so 230 years ago.
  17. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    universal health care... i dont know many but every canadian and englishman i know hates their universal health care system. their usual take on it is... 'you get what you pay for'
  18. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Universal health care system, or like some like to call it, free health care, is not free and the tax payer will foot he bill and like lordtygr said, you get what you pay for. 20 years I live in a place with government sponsor healthcare and it sucks, we got what we paid for, long hours in line, bad treatment, and poor care.
  19. Beta107

    Beta107 Active Member

    Slightly better, that's correct, the US has a long way to go. "They for me is we" so I am quite familiar with the changes that have occurred over they years. Just 10 years ago it was inconceivable for me and many other black people to consider a black person as president. Our Fore Fathers were not psychic and could not possible have created a government that would span 200+ years and be totally acceptable in todays society, therefore the Constitution has amendments (Bill of Rights).

    I don't know everything about universal healthcare just the bit I learn and hear about from my Romanian wife and her family and what I learned and noticed while I was in Romania an Italy. No healthcare system is perfect and yes the taxpayers do foot the bill as with other social servants (police, libraians, firemen, etc). However, I would like to know that I will at least be able to see the doctor one day if i am strickened with Cancer or some other life threatning situation. In our current system if you are not capable of paying then you die, quite dishaeartening. Me myself I have a great healthcare plan, have been blessed with a good job, a decent enough salary to let my wife go to nursing school without having to work, and the opportunity to return to school recently myself to obtain my MBA. However, I grew up a life that many people hear could never imagine and I have many family members, friends and people I know who cannot afford to have healthcare. They work hard and because of that they don't qualify for certain gov't aid and find themselves out on their ass if they get sick. I was in that position myself for a long time, mostly as I grew up.

    Anyways like I said previously enjoy the posting here and get your ranting out. I don't expect to change your view of how the US should be as you should not expect to change mine. But I do value your opinion as I do with everyone, I just don't agree with you. I am done with this forum and leave it to you all, enjoy.
  20. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    There are plenty of free clinics in low income areas already. There is NOT A NEED for a blanket universal healthcare law. That said even if you can't get to a free clinic hospitals aren't above giving someone in need necessary medical care and in some cases even absorbing the bill themselves, or significantly reducing it.

    I will fight with every being in my body to NEVER have blanket universal healthcare, the associate tax increase would be staggering especially considering the "Baby Boomers" are all reaching retirement age. And yes, what the Founding Fathers provided is still valid today, and remember the Bill Of Rights was also written and enacted over 200 years ago.

    The Declaration of Independence covers ALL AMERICANS in one single statement "We The People".