mobilehid shipment.. oddity

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by sordid, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    So everybody who knows about mobilehid probably knows about that video they have where they beat a ballast with a hammer, and it doesn't flinch. There's also the waterproof dunk test they did. They've also performed their own 9-way shootout between various competing kits.

    The ballast they've always shown, and I've always seen installed on vehicles and in pictures, is a silver two-piece, rubber injected, with that blue sticker on the top.

    Ask anybody around, and one of the most reputable names that comes up is mobilehid, and probably with good measure.

    So, given this reputation for outstanding quality and service, I take the $250 plunge and purchase a kit. I'm expecting to already know what's in the box.

    I read through their multi-kit review, and note the "generic slim ballast". This thing has two cables coming out of it, and an external ignitor. The McCulloch kit they review also has an external ignitor. They fail that kit for that reason, and state that the generic slim ballast had multiple failures.

    About two weeks after the order, I receive my box. Upon opening it, I'm greeted with an unfamiliar sight.

    Expecting this, which is the only ballast I've ever seen exist from them:

    I got this, which has a mobilehid sticker there and on the bottom, another with the same DAX35DKE code printed on it..

    Which look suspiciously like #9 in this:

    This is the first time I've ever ordered from a company with a renowned reputation, and have been utterly shit-terrified of installing it in my vehicle. Usually I know if I buy cheap, I get cheap..

    I have no idea what I got here.
    I've tried contact, but I keep getting their voice mail -- not a cheap call anyway from Canada, nor have I received any email reply.
  2. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    that sucks, BTW i think i saw your car saturday night,
  3. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    damn they fucked u over good
  4. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't want to go as far as to say that at this moment. I was hoping somebody else had an idea as to what's going on, as they haven't responded (yet).
    Nobody's answering the phone there today it seems.. I've already called four times since noon
  5. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    Got a reply from Clifford. These are legitimate ballasts, and while there was a switch, it was for a specific reason -- they're improving their products. These ballasts are supposed to be more reliable and less power hungry than the previous generation. However, as I feared, the hammer test does not apply here.

    I'll let y'all know how their new ballast acts in the next day or two.
  6. initial_d2k

    initial_d2k Member

    honestly speaking, i don't think they are THE brand of HID to buy :roll:
    they all just look the same (including those ebay one)

    and when they say its less power hungry :roll: most HID are operating at 35w ... and beside that Halogen is at 55w ... so being not power hungry should not be a "benefit" for buying THEIR kit, but the benefit of having HID ...

    :wink: good luck with the installation.
    *personally i have the Xentec Slim ballast installed and it works just fine ... (130 shipped to Canada)
  7. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    Amps, not watts. That's not a sole reason one should buy it, no, but it is an added benefit nonetheless.
    Besides, the less amp stress on a battery (or alternator if one decides to to do an aftermarket using the OEM lighting harness to draw power from) the better. It also means that 50% less amperage draw means if you leave your lights on by accident, your battery will last approximately 50% longer :p

    Xentec is one of the original kits I was looking at months ago. I just decided to go with a brand name that was reputed the world around, and was always the name recommended to me and others that I've seen. The other ones were always "I went with this XXX of eBay and I haven't had a problem."

    Not "I recommend this XXX kit off eBay, there's nothing better." and that "XXX" is the exact same wherever you go. At any rate, yeah, we'll see what happens tonight or tomorrow
  8. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    I always saw MobileHID fishy...

    I am very happy with my 80$ ebay kit... ive had them for 11months, 24/7 on (cause i didnt fixed the DRL) so they have bee on for 11 months and still banging.

  9. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    this might fall under false advertisement if ure lucky and maybe just sue them, if u feel like it, lol
  10. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    this might fall under false advertisement if ure lucky and maybe just sue them, if u feel like it, lol
  11. initial_d2k

    initial_d2k Member

    i don't really want to start arguing about power vs CURRENT ... when you talk about power, the unit is watt ... *period* ..

    and for a "reputed* brand of HID, i can suggest you w/ Kaizen ... or MTec... they both have really good warranty on their products.

    What I want to say is, you shouldn't expect too much out of a kit purchase on the net... just install it .. and pray that it works .... and if the bulb can last more than a year or 2, you should be happy about it.
  12. leeminho86

    leeminho86 Well-Known Member

    What's this "harness" mobilehid is talking about when reviewing other brands? I was going to buy a xentec hid conversion kit tonight but mobilehid failed this kit along with several others for not coming with one. Does this mean it's not plug and play or I need a relay or something? Any input would be greatly appreciated.