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Lancer vs flood waters....

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by JDMhammer, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    So as most of you know the east coast from SC to Maine got soaked in the last 2 days from TS Hanna (thanks jake for the pic btw) Rt5 in Mass by my house had a huge puddle w/ 4 cars stalled out in it and a couple parked before the puddle also. By the time I noticed how deep it really was I was 1/2 in it and the fog lights were covered and i got some waves..... yes waves over the hood.

    Good news the lacners are awesome on some deep water i had no power issues, i put it in 1st and floored it. I have the Pirelli rain tires on and I am pretty sure those helped me threw it also.

    So as an unoffical rating i think we can survive puddle of 8" without problems.... I am not trying it again tho...
  2. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    lmao too bad u dont have a CAI
  3. mzulncr

    mzulncr Member

    true true... but with a hydroshield and a bypass valve i don't think there will be a problem

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    yeah, we did get al lot of wind, rain was a factor also, but when it moved more inland and north it actually produced more rain.

    i not await josephine to come by, ike is hitting golf coast.
  5. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Its a really good thing I got the SRI because of the winters here too....
  6. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    just missed south florida
  7. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    The rain just wash out the topsoil on my new home, thanks God is they just lay the foundation. :)
  8. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Yea i had a section of the driveway washout but its right at the road so good news is the state has to fix it tomorrow :)
  9. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    a branch hit my car lol. small one lol. i use to play in these storms back when i was yonger maybr explains what is wrong with me now
  10. Thatguy

    Thatguy Well-Known Member

    i went through a flooded part. it wasnt that deep though. i couldnt see 'cause it was at night. so i was driving once i heard water noises below my car i just let go of my gas pedal and let my car roll. i had the cai on too. i was just waiting for my car to idle and shut but lucky it didn't. i drove on heavy rain too on the highway after. scary situation.
  11. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel not too fun.... at least we know the lancers hold well to rain and high water now :)
  12. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    YAY! i get to deal with Ike this wekend, good to have this info for worse case senario
  13. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    The hydroshield is water repellant, but not resistant. Submerged, it will not prevent water from entering the filter. Of course, it'll be harder to get a load of water vertically up the intake pipe. I don't think our engine can pull that much suction. Besides, you'd sooner starve the engine of air and stall it out before it pulls any water a foot vertically up a 3-4" diameter pipe. It would instantly run extremely lean and the ECU would most likely kill fuel before appreciable damage could occur. This is not for certain.

    I'd never trust a bypass valve personally.
  14. eg6motion

    eg6motion Well-Known Member

    they actually work very well on NA vehicles. Its essentially a filter about midway up the pipe. Downside is that the air is also sucked in via the bypass valve even when the CAI is not submerged. It is more restrictive than the filter but thats why it works well. If your filter is submerged, no water will be sucked in at all because the intake tract is no longer a vacuum with the bypass valve.
  15. Als09GTS

    Als09GTS Active Member

    yea, I am riding Ike out in Clearlake. Luckily my apartment has a garage, if it doesn't collapse.
  16. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    man good luck to you guys your going to have it a lot worse than we did here.... I wouldn't recommend going out in more that 8" thats cutting it close...