AIT body kit?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by CLEANrideGTS, Aug 16, 2008.


    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Just to inform everyone on the AIT kit. The release date is for late september. The front does allow a fog light application so that sucks for us GTS guys. The rear bumper is good to go. The wing is not for production till next yr. I told them that im part of a huge Lancer community and that so many of us would get the wing. He said that there focusing on the Evo right now, and then when the ralliart comes out same thing. I was trying to tell him that they would get alot more customers if they continue with the Lancer kits. He told me that hes not in charge of what gets put out. So he gave me the email to the guy in charge. So im going to email him with my proposal which going to contain info on what should be made and why. Along with pics from kits that are in Singapore and see what happens.
  2. znelbok

    znelbok New Member

    Do you guys get the lancer in yellow, we don't down here - I don't normally like yellow, but its not too bad.

  3. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    No we dont get it in yellow here in the states and i dont think that anyone does lol. Gotta be custom if its real
  4. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Like i said, this im 95% sure that is a photoshop. Hence why it doesnt look all that much different from a stock GTS (minus the drop and rims). anyways, Zero, i dont understand why does the ability to put fogs suck for us GTS users?Not sure where you were meaning lol

    Also, remember guys, now that the evo and RA are gonna be running the mitsu scene, were gona get ALOT less attention from mod companies. Most loyal companies will still do stuff, but im sure theyll be focusing theyre efforts on the big brothers.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    So like, i started school today, and was driving to find parking (which horrendously sucks in this school). I came across an Audi A4, stock. Funny thing about this car is that it had something that was extremely familiar. I take a good look, and this front bumper resembles ALOT to the A4 i saw (minus the GTS lips on ours). I can safely say that this is a photoshop of plenty of differnet cars, ones i think are included are the GT concept front, GTS front, and that audi. Still, im assuming theyre gonna have someone sponsor this body kit soon. Keep your eyes open.
  6. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    letting you all know, the kit is not out yet and is still in the works. it might not even look like this.

    my car is actually the car they are going to put the kit on, hence, i am sponsored by AIT and my car will be in their shop sometime around the end of sept.

    i will post pix of the kit when finished!
  7. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    ^Your sideskirts are molded are they not Nemo? If so wont they only be able to put the front and rear on your car?

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update Raymond.

    LT Staff

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Thats cool bro. I didnt know that. Ok will see what happens. You should tell them to make a lip.
  10. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    yes my side skirts are molded but they will be taken off for the new side skirts that AIT is making. my whole kit will be changed. i might even go wide body. ill keep you all posted on what goes on.
  11. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    yea please keep us updated since im looking for a kit myself.
  12. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    well hold off for a couple of months. AIT's body kits are top of the line