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suspension squeaking

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Suspension' started by vik2rius, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    anybody starting to notice a squeaking sound as you get on or off the car...on stock suspension i mean with 34k on odometer...
  2. ItsJordan

    ItsJordan Well-Known Member

    yes, yesterday when I parked my car I noticed it was squeeking?
  3. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    good at least im not the only one...how bout cars with upgrade suspension...any input...
  4. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    same thing! i got H&R springs though.. if you steam wash the car, it might go away for a while
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    my car squeeks too.

    annoys the shit outta me.

    I'll be lowering my car shortly. Cant stand that squeek
  6. sunstealth

    sunstealth Well-Known Member

    mien does it, i found the problem is the parking brake somehow making that sound
  7. blkdout1

    blkdout1 Well-Known Member

    My car squeeks usually over speed bumps. i have stock suspension, i have 35k on my odometer. PS might just be the cold weather the springs might be more stiff.
  8. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    found a solution to this...

    i sprayed a bit of wb40 on the cap of the spring...made stop and hasnt squeek since then...but once in a while i spray just a bit...at least once a month...
  9. chileanpride06

    chileanpride06 Well-Known Member

    hmm, i get that sound too when ever i sit in the car, i should try that wb40 thanks

    TRASHY_GTS Member

    yeah I noticed this since day one...brought it up to my dealerships attention various times but they said they couldn't hear anything.

    Had a mechanic from my dealership come outside so I could show him the noise and he said it had to do with the hand brake.
  11. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    you need silcone lubricant it does the same thing as wd40 but not as greasy.
  12. mitchGTS

    mitchGTS Well-Known Member

    Where do everybody live that has this problem?? I may be wrong but it could be the cold weather??
  13. Silver09GTS

    Silver09GTS Well-Known Member

    What you are most likely hearing is the bushings. As the get older the stiffen, they are made from rubber, when it gets colder they also get stiffer. Stiffer = noisier. Also WD40 IS NOT a lubricant, it is a short turn water disperser and loosener, used for removing old nuts and such or cleaning water out of metal parts that could rust. If you are looking to lube something(s) use either silicon or lithium. Lithium is messier though. Manufacturers use cheap rubber ones for cars in stock trim, upgrading to after market ones should help. You can also look to your spring pads, they are also rubber (usually) and can start squeaking after a while.
  14. kingklay

    kingklay Well-Known Member

    i've got eibach springs in mine and im starting to get a popping noises only when i do low speed turning.
    off to the shop today to get it checked.
  15. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    I ended up finding my squeek.

    It was my RRM sway bar. Needed to lude that bitch up. no noise now
  16. kingklay

    kingklay Well-Known Member

    Awesome, they put in some rubber stabilizers and popping noises gone. props to Garage five in Richmond, BC

    TRASHY_GTS Member

    Which springs do you have from Eibach? Sportlines or Pro-Kit?
  18. dao.style

    dao.style Well-Known Member

    sometimes my brake squeek
  19. 604Lancer

    604Lancer Active Member

    i have the same problem with the popping noise but mine is more of a creaking. the dealership and my mechanic says its the strut mount, that the lowering springs are putting extra pressure on them resulting with the creaking at low speeds. but if this is a preventative measure i could take then i'll have to look into this also, so that i don't have to go back and have the mounts replaced again down the road, at least theyre doing it under warranty tho. how much did these cost you? are they just called 'stabilizers'? TIA
  20. kingklay

    kingklay Well-Known Member

    ya you could say the noises i was experiencing were creaking noises as well. It didnt cost me anything since i bought the springs from garage five and had them install them. They told me they were called Rubber stabilizers, not sure if thats the proper term or not.