exhaust situation

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by bouchh, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. bouchh

    bouchh Member

    hey everyone i was just looking for some help on this i was in the process of ordering a greddy exhaust and injen CAI, BUT the guy i was talking to about getting the exhuast said that teh greddy exhaust would take a long time to get right nnow and was wondering wat other kinds i would be interested in getting because im going to get it this weekend in duluth... so what i relly need to know is what performance exhaust is really good and sounds nice with the injen CAI... ? i need to call him back with what i want this afternoon so within the next few hours if i had input and help it would be great... thanks !!!
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    I'd find out what brand he could hook you up with first.

    there are several designs available.

    Injen SES (full catback system)

    some of these designs are bit more expensive than others. It's just up to you on what brand you'd rather go with.
  3. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    double-post ghey
  4. bouchh

    bouchh Member

    well i just talked to him on teh phone and he said that he can try to get me nething... hes going to look for the greddy still but hes lookin at hks injen and some other brand of exhaust in the duluth area for saturday and hes going to call me back i mentions the injen ses exhaust and he said that forsure a catback exhasut system is going to giive that extra jump with the car
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    you really can't go wrong with any of those brands. like i said, it's a matter of preference at this point. None of them will really accentuate your Injen CAI like you were asking.
  6. bouchh

    bouchh Member

    im not a huge car person like i said before (minus the odd need for speed action going on in my bunk at work)lol but the only thing is do they all have like nice sound to them? i dont want my car to have some annoying sound to it
  7. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    i personally can only speak on behalf of Greddy and RRM sounding great.
    The Injen SES is a bit loud. Not crazy-loud though. I hear the WORKS is a nice tone as well.

    Havent heard anything about the HKS or Tanabe exhaust.
  8. bouchh

    bouchh Member

    awsome ill tell him to look into that injen one when he calls me back later thanks for the help it was greatly appreciated at a time of need haha... while i got someone on here whos giving a helping hand about cars do you know any other mods to teh car i should look into getting that arnt extremely expensive that give you a bit more hp gain and watnot?
  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    the SES exhaust will cost you a pretty penny. be prepared

    Something not expensive and worthwhile may be a lightweight pulley from RRM. I have one and i like it. Helps the needle jump a bit from a dead-stop. worthwhile mod imo. I wouldnt mess with our spark plugs since it's not really proven to provide anything special.