Recommend SRI

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by NoFEAR, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    I am planning to buy SRI

    but don't know anything about SRI

    who ever install SRI

    can u guys give me a guide

    what u guys recommend

    also i want to spend about $200

    my car is 2008 lancer GTS (CVT)
  2. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    i have the RRM v1 but recommend RRM v2 it just looks better the the v1. don't get the fujita you will get the CEL.
  3. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Since you are looking to spend about $200, I would recommend the RRM SRI V2.
  4. Eric1180

    Eric1180 Active Member

    Wait for the K&N SRI
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    anything but Fujita. I wouldnt recommend getting any parts that will/might throw your CEL light.
  6. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    what's CEL?
  7. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    could u post me the web site?
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    CEL= Check Engine Light
  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member
  10. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    I got the RRM V2 SRI and for the price, the looks, the sound and the power gain is worth the money. It comes with a heat shield and only took me 45 minutes to install during my lunch break. When I left for home that day it was a sweat ride home, turn the volume down just to listen to it. :D
  11. ddboy

    ddboy Well-Known Member

  12. GTS_Rob

    GTS_Rob Well-Known Member

    prolly not going to be released.....ever
  13. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    I just instaled mine tonight.... and i have to say ++1 man

    Shit sounds amazing, feels good, and its perfectly built. No CEL.
    Worth the money
  14. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    I installed my RRM V2 SRI last week and I haven't had any problems with it. The install was very easy and only took about 30mins or so.
  15. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    The release of the K&N SRI will happen some time around 2 days after the end of time itself. If you see the horsemen of the apocalypse then you know your K&N SRI should be arriving in the mail some time soon. I gave up on it myself... couldnt wait any longer so i got the RRM v2.

    Got it the other day, looks very nice, stuck a K&N pod on mine, although im yet to fit it to the car, hopefully all will be ok.
  16. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    is it easy to install?

    like I don't know anything about the part

    u think still i can do it?

    and with SRI whats MPG?

    does eat a lot of gas?
  17. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    when this will be coming out?
  18. NoFEAR

    NoFEAR Active Member

    Thank you
  19. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    fairly easy. Might take a bit of extra time because it's a new process to you but it's by no means difficult

    MPG refers to the Miles Per Gallon and as far as i know most intake designs will not decrease your MPG. in some cases it actually increases it.
  20. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    just installed my RRM V2 tonight... was easy enough, the hardest part was getting the rubber joiner pipe onto the TB as its quite a tight fit, other than that it was all very straight forward.

    At normal crusing speeds and normal driving you dont hear it though under full throttle especially at high revs it really opens up to a race car kinda sound now. Very impressed. Seems to go harder, though that could be my ear dyno overpowering my butt dyno.