DV Update!!! Almost done...4 now

Discussion in 'Members Progress Reports' started by DVHopeful, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    Here we are guys and gals
    Day One of Project:
    Holy Gap
    Came in TODAY!!!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    What springs? Nice updates.
  3. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    RRM v2 i think
  4. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    Looks sick, are those the Works Ride Springs?
  5. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ WORKS are blue, they look either Progress or RRM
  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Diggin that grill ya made... pretty original. good stuff man keep it up!
  7. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    add a chrome around the grill !!! would look sick
  8. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    Im in the process of adding leds where the fogs were...the paint needs to be redone so maybe ill see what chrome would look like. RRM springs btw, rear bumber kit, and fenders are sitting here at home waiting for me to get $600 to put on
  9. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    nice mods, loving the grill..keep up the good work
  10. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    what fender did u buy?
  11. oucrimson23

    oucrimson23 Member

    I love that grill.
  12. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    the fenders are the one's that KRU has installed last time i checked. The GT Concept, to get rid of the side marker and they are a lot more agressive in style. The rear bumper also is GT
  13. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    its be nice to see a big ass intercooler behind that grill.
  14. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    hell yeah it would!!

    DV any plans on turbo any time soon??
  15. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    after thinking about it for a long time, i want to put one in. i wasnt going to in case of warranty, but from what ive heard, my warranty is shot by now anyway. I just spent TONS of money on parts here and there, and it may be a while before i can afford the RRM CVT one.
  16. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    I hear you...5g is a long way for me, but i plan to do it in the future...
  17. Milagro

    Milagro Well-Known Member

    Looks amazing man! Great job!
  18. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    Are those metal plates just to fasten the grill or did the bumper lose its shape cutting out the center?

    Looks great I think I may give this a shot. Keep up the great work man.

  19. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    also where did you get the mesh from?
  20. DVHopeful

    DVHopeful Well-Known Member

    Bad, got the mesh from customcargrills.com

    It didnt lose shape at all, that doesnt mean it wouldnt for everyone tho. Only words for you if you truley decide to do this is plan ahead, theres a lot of prep work, so plan a couple days off in a row. Make sure you really want to do it, and BE CAREFUL with knives, lol. And the metal is used for keeping the grill on...theres nothing to attach it to. I had a nasty idea for this whole project but couldnt afford it.