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a little customization of my grille...

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Customization' started by mikeyb0y, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    i took a good look at my grille this morning when i got to work... and there i decided to change the look.... all this took place on my work breaks, during my lunch, and a little bit after work.... its a small change but i like it!!






  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Sweet.. good shit man. nice clean job
  3. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    thanks 'dude' it was windy out side but i got it...
  4. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    looks good i like it alot!

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Looks great bro. Very Clean.
  6. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    thanx.... its makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to get compliments from the 08's... i know u guyz are looking at pics of 08's all day, i thought i might throw an 06 in the mix... :D :D
  7. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    that looks nice...too bad i had to trade my 06 lancer for an 08...i would have done the same thing...it wasnt 5speed thats why i have to trade it in...
  8. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    well i'll keep the 06 spirit alive.... financially i went with the used 06 and i'm sticking to it... i'm going to keep this car, pay it off, keep it as my 'toy' and buy myself sumthing else down the line.....

    ...thanx for the compliment...
  9. oucrimson23

    oucrimson23 Member

    Looks good. I like it.
  10. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    thanx oucrimson23....
  11. champion_j4

    champion_j4 Member

    some one repost the pictures? says its been deleted & i know i want to change my grille too. maybe ill get some inspiration here.

    thanks ahead.
  12. mpirklbauer

    mpirklbauer Well-Known Member

    I can´t see the pics too.
    What´s going up there?
  13. killerdragonoz

    killerdragonoz Well-Known Member

    theres no pic
  14. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    i can`t see the pics
  15. champion_j4

    champion_j4 Member

    still no pics....
  16. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    Can't see either?
  17. champion_j4

    champion_j4 Member

    no pics r not a good look
  18. MadSci

    MadSci Member

    you deleted the pics? ahh man
  19. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Yes, please repost the pics or something, and also, could you post pics of your tint? I've been looking at getting tint, and I can't decide what to get. I'm thinking about just going with the legal limit here, which is 12% on rear windshield, 25% on back windows, and 40% on front windows. And then, just a strip across the front windshield, like it comes from the factory. And does anyone happen to know the difference between net and film? Here's the link that shows every state's tint laws.

  20. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Film is if they just held up some of the tint with a light on one side and measured it on the on the other side.
    Net is if they put the tint on your car window and measure the light inside through both the tint and window.