PS Request

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by testpilotx15, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. testpilotx15

    testpilotx15 Well-Known Member

    I searched and could not find these, but if it's been done already, I apologize. Anywho, could someone please PS these onto a Rally Red GTS, thanx.


  2. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    where's the pic of your car?

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    A photo of your car would definitely help and be a lot easier for the people the will do the PS.

    PS: Side view of your car would be best.
  4. testpilotx15

    testpilotx15 Well-Known Member

    I'll get one up later, didn't think it would be any issue to get a side view of the car.
  5. testpilotx15

    testpilotx15 Well-Known Member

  6. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    watching the game, i'll PS it after the game
  7. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    good, Celtics lost so that they can win at home :)

    did the first one, but i g2g, don't have time to do the 2nd one, i'll do it tomorrow if nobody has by then

    Pro PS'ing FTW! :-D... actually it came out a little messy at the end cuz i g2g :p

  8. kingklay

    kingklay Well-Known Member

    could somebody help me out and change these rims to a gun metal color?
    If someone can do it......thanks in advance!

  9. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    ask and u shall receive :)

    sorry, i sux at trying to get the metalic look... did the best i could, let me know if thats too dark (it prob is for gunmetal), i'll try to lighten it up... sry it doesn't look as realistic, was a quicky, didn't try to blend in the edge :p

  10. kingklay

    kingklay Well-Known Member

    hey thanks a lot!! could you also do gloss black if its not to much trouble. Im torn between those 2

    thanks again!!
  11. testpilotx15

    testpilotx15 Well-Known Member

    Could someone out there PS the second rim in the original post please. Would be much appreciated, thanks.