i got rear ended...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by BabyLee, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    ok so heres the deal.....i got rear ended on my way 2 work yesturday n the back is completely ruined obviously......i was thinking about gettng the r-spec body kit for my car but didnt have the money for it....now that i have 2 replace the back n e ways u think they will charge me 2 do the whole back or would i have 2 just pay the difference? does n e one think it is even worth the effort at all.....
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    PM Nemo420.

    He unfortunately had the experience your inquiring about.
  3. firebretha

    firebretha Well-Known Member

    if you get new taillights be sure to keep your old ones for me!!!

    and sorry to hear about the rearending...