+1 From Toronto

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Jay, May 25, 2008.

  1. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

    08 Black Pearl Lancer CVT SE jus bought and cant wait for delivery!

    living in the Toronto, Canada Area.
  2. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT. TB CVT FTW
  3. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Got my '09 White GTS CVT a week ago and loving it. I'm seeing a lot of '08 and '09 Lancers in the area. Let's setup a meet!
  4. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Welcome to the Lancer Tuners Community!
  5. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Welcome fellow Canadian Eh! I have the GG DE with a few extras. But you will love your car. I know i do. Again welcome.
  6. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    EB CVT FTW!! I'm an hour and a half away from Toronto.

    You might wanna look up the Toronto Lancer Club and hang out with those guys :)

    Welcome to LT.com
  7. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    zup? welcome to LT.
  8. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site!!
  9. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    TORONTO!!! What's up guys, in terms of a meet we're (The Toronto Lancer Club) is having one this friday June 6th at Fairview Mall. We're also planning to have a cruise afterwards to a Korean BBQ buffet. We'll be meeting at level 4A of the parking lot (SEARS LEVEL) at 8pm. We're having a photoshoot to get some pics up on the website, so bring a clean car and dress to impress! (Suit & Tie not necessary) :D
  10. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    My bestfriend is getting married that weekend, and I'm in the party (bridesmaid...yay) :(

    How often do you guys meet up? I"d like to make it at least one of them soon! :)

    Are there any other girl Lancer owners? I find every meet I go to (not Lancer, but general) I'm the only girl car owner and the guys tend to ignore me a lil bit..haha JERKS! :p
  11. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    We have meets twice a month for now, we alternate between east and west end to cater to everyone. Too bad you can't come to this one, but we'll be having another one in the near future so we can get some pics up for the website. And yes there is a girl in the club, and she's very friendly and our male members we're very welcoming to a female joining.
  12. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Fairview? Wicked! I'm literally a few minutes away from there. My car's super plain from the dealership, but I'll be there. First car meet for me.
  13. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Cool :) I don't care if it's East or West Toronto, either way I'll have to drive like 2 hours... LOL.

    I'll definitely make it out to a meet sometime! :)