Edit: rrm pulley, piggy, axle back, headers, and injen CAI Thanks to subawho for taking the footage :thumbsup: Link in middle of thread . . . . . . . .
at the moment your best bet is to just post the exact url to the youtube page so people can start viewing your vid while you figure out whats going on.
I would, but this particular vid is under someone else's account. I wanna ask his permission before I direct people to his video clips. I suppose it's no different then embedding, considering all someone has to do is click the vid to access all his youtube vids. we'll see
I give up. i'll try later. I still get that "YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE" crap and i tried using html, url, bb, img, and still get no love. only that warning.
wutta headache, i can't even PM you the code. im just glad its showing up on other sites. otherwise i'd feel like quite the retard. 8)
i know what your talking... i've had times where i just try to post an img and i get a message that i can't post cuz i'm trying to hack the site or something.... wtf?
yea that shit. It's not proph's fault. But it's sure pissing me off. I can understand not being able to post but keeping me from PM'ing it is kinda overboard.
i use photobucket.com. just creat a account and i can help you if you still need help. it took me a while to learn how to post pics. don't worry i will walk you through it.
Im horrible at posting pics myself. If photobucket didnt do it for me i would be lost. But I cant start my own ablum on this site it has said since day one. attempting to use a wrong cookie i think or some other weird computer lingo.
thanks man. for starters how would i go about copying the video to my computer so that i can upload it to photobucket? I have my own photobucket account but this vid is from someone else's youtube account.
if the video is on the internet why not just post a link? for example http://youtube.com/watch?v=yQt278gtxOQ. you just right click on the search bar then you click copy then you come here and click on postply and right click and paste. i don't know how to do that because most people on you tube put up blocks so you can't get the url. but if you can get the guy to email the video to you not the you tube link. you want the orig. file or have him come to your home and upload the video to your computer. then i can help you get that file from your computer to photobucket.
r u the one who had rrm header/injen exhaust combo before and said when u went to rrm exhaust it was A LOT quieter? if so, u got vid of it?
yea i was the guy with the prototype injen exhaust. This set-up ownz the injen set-up hands down. I'll never go back to the injen catback exhaust.