updates on RRM Turbo

Discussion in 'Forced Induction' started by BigSteve, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Milagro

    Milagro Well-Known Member

    Can't wait for the CVT version!

    Hopefully I'll get to go and see what's up.
  2. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys either im going blind or im not a good searcher... can someone give me the link to the dyno sheet .appreciate it thnks
  3. BrianRRM

    BrianRRM Well-Known Member

  4. lancerunderthesun

    lancerunderthesun New Member

    Inen CAI + turbo ?

    Hi everyone,
    I only have one dumb question.
    If I have an injen CAI, can I install the RRM turbo? or do I have to remove the CAI first?
    if they can live together, what are the benefits or the drawbacks?

    Thank you.

    Best Regards
  5. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    so brian is the CVT version going to get about the same numbers?
  6. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    thanks for the dyno sheet brian .. good numbers. hope u guys get that tricky CVT to work.. thanks again.
  7. eg6motion

    eg6motion Well-Known Member

    should be close to the same. Probably Slightly less as the CVT vs Manual dyno's have shown the CVT with less power to the wheels. that is unless they have to lower the boost to avoid breaking the magic rubber band
  8. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    this weekend i took a ride in the Boosted '08 CVT from RRM and let me tell you that i am very impressed and will be on the waiting list for one. the power is instant and has no lag, sounds great!, and most of all works great with the paddle shifters! you dont get any lag at all when changing steps/gears, its full boost all the way threw.

    i will be getting a kit for sure!
  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    For this initial stage of R & D, Road-Race put the boost at about 7psi for the five speed and they had to knock down the psi a whole 1lb for the CVT.

    So as far as that goes you can expect to see slightly less numbers if the boost remains slightly lower then the 5 speed.

    Don't quote me on this as final. im just lettting you know what they were running with this particular set-up 8)
  10. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Man cant wait what will suck for me is shipping. Living in Canada and on the opposite coast will really suck when it comes to the shipping. I know i want one but damn! i can't really see me paying that much i cant say because i have not looked dont know how large or how heavy the kit would be. Like i have always said our cars dont have HP but they sure are nice to look at. I was pumping gas last week and i noticed this little guy in the car just staring at me. Strange im thinking, so go into the store to pay and im looking out and the young boy has his cell phone out snapping pics of all the sides and front. I said look at that to the cashier and she like WTF. But then the boys dad asks me if my car is a Lancer i tell him yes, he tells me its his boys favorite car in the whole world. I actually let the boy Russ was his name sit in her for a bit. It was so cool seein the kids eyes lite up. Anyway sorry about getting off topic. But if i can i will be getting one ASAP. Can someone look into weight of the kit, PM or i guess i can just call RRM Duh!!
  11. eg6motion

    eg6motion Well-Known Member

    good man. I agree, the new lancer turns more heads than any car I have owned, but that because most people thought mine was an EVO X ;)
  12. lancer08guy

    lancer08guy Well-Known Member

    the mechanics at mitsu believe that any turbo we put on our cars will kill the engine..they say the pistons will not last after 12k miles..so is this true
  13. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    that's why i wasn't thinking of going turbo tell they have internals from our cars.
  14. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    i dont know if i want to spend $5k+ for a 50-60whp upgrade...
  15. lancer08guy

    lancer08guy Well-Known Member

    so any turbo right now would destroy our engine because our engine is not strong/made for a turbo?
  16. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    they might hold up just fine for several thousand miles, but it will destroy the motor over time. i would wait for all the other stuff (internals, fuel injectors,ect....)
  17. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Usually all AM turbos take there toll on engines after time
  18. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    this is true, but if you don't have all the other stuff on the car the engine wear would be quicker.
  19. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    actually all depends on how you drive your car, if the car is tuned right, and how much boost your giving it.

    but like any engine with any mods, it will wear quiker than normal.
  20. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    im with him, i might just wait for the RA or get the evo...