
Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by pimpinfern, May 15, 2008.

  1. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    k i just saw this when i got home, i knew i came close to hitting a mailbox today but i was pretty sure i didnt

    then i tell my mom and her boyfriend about it, he said it was there this morning so i deff didnt hit anything so i am left to the conclusion that this happened at work


    the last two are hardly noticeable but its the kinda deal like u know its there
  2. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Oh no! :( You can get someone to pop that out if you really want to.

    I'm at the point now where I keep telling myself "they don't stay new forever!"

    I don't have any dents yet, just scratches and what appears to be rust lol.
  3. bigdaddysag

    bigdaddysag Member

    that happened to me at work also so now i take up at least two spaces when i park
  4. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    lol look at the tread right at the edge of the tire
  5. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Damn hes burned a bit of rubber there huh, that sucks bad about that scatch i had like over 20 small ones after the hurrican hit in November last year that blew. But we cant keep them pristine forever. Hell i got scratches just from washing the damn thing the paint is so sad now.
  6. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Want me to take pictures of all the damage to my car? It would probably make you feel WAY better :lol:
  7. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Dude... that sucks.. what is the deal with your tire...
  8. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    tires been rotated so those used to be my front tires, i think u can figure out what i was doin :)

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    That sucks man.
  10. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Hummm.. backing up?!!?!! :lol:
  11. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    bump for ektor
  12. batzr

    batzr Member

    +1 :lol:
  13. JGSkains

    JGSkains Well-Known Member

    Ding, Ding, Ding

    I didn't have my GTS a month when I opened the door and hit a concrete stantion in a parking garage at a casino in Shreveport. Broke my heart. Then I backed into a concrete thing that keeps you from driving into the doors of a building. It was to low for me to see in my rear view, never even knew it was there. It had sharp little rocks embedded in it that cut little dimples into my back bumper. Tried to use the ding cover up paint stick the dealership gave me and made it look even worse. You just can't have anything nice without Murphy screwing with it. Sigh
  14. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    wth happened to tires bro loool
  15. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    man i thought my door ding was bad. =[
  16. mezzedupdream

    mezzedupdream Well-Known Member

    yeah... I thought mine was bad... haha sucks


    Any idea how much it would be to fix this? I'd probably just buy a new side skirt for around $250(For both) but I want to know how much it would be to fix the other dents above the tire.
  17. mezzedupdream

    mezzedupdream Well-Known Member

  18. mzulncr

    mzulncr Member

    i got a dent too .. its in my rear passenger door. got hit by a rock last winter
  19. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    get new tires
  20. topher

    topher Well-Known Member

    you guys dont even want to see my hail damage.. over 150 dents!!