what things can be remove the reduce the vehicle's weight?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by 4B11FTW, May 10, 2008.

  1. 4B11FTW

    4B11FTW Member

    Hi there, a well known problem that 4B11+ 3000lb weight = slow + bad fuel economy

    i always have to step the gas pedal very deep and hard to acclerate

    talk straightly, nothing is better than vehicle weight reduction ( for both performance and fuel mileage)

    any idea what unneccessary things on GTS can be removed to lower the weight? ( just dont ask me to remove the rear seat lol)

    i already removed the stock heavy muffler and installed Greddy, it saved 15 pounds only ( prefer WORKS AB PIPE, the lightest weight)

    spare tire is pretty heavy too, but you know if 1 of the tire broekn, it will stand a important role

    EVOX Carbon Fibre hood +tax+ shippied almost a thousand....

    is it possible to spend couple hundred dollars to reduce 300 pounds without removing the interior stuff?
  2. david1224

    david1224 Well-Known Member

    get rims.........
  3. 4B11FTW

    4B11FTW Member

    im lovin" my smoked carbon grey 18inch GTS rims....

    i know this is a very diffculult problem to deal with

    just like those fat woman gotta spend ton of $ to get the slim body
  4. david1224

    david1224 Well-Known Member

    mm .........yea then it will be very hard to loss weight if u don't want to change the rims . cause i hear that our stock GTS rims are very heavy
  5. david1224

    david1224 Well-Known Member

    also maybe u can lower your car little bit with lowing spring that help a little bit for weight i am not too sure but it also it increase handling and over all performace
  6. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    You can always get an RRM pulley which really helps, especially off the line.

    A carbon fiber/fiber glass hood, trunk would help too.
  7. 4B11FTW

    4B11FTW Member

    1000 dollars for the hood can save 50 pounds only

    and RRM...no thanks lol, really...why so many people love this brand, i just dont have any good feeling on the stuff they made, especialluy their exhuast, ugly outlooking +rust+ sounds just so so
  8. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    is there a FG hood any where, i'll prolly go with that cheaper and almost the same in weight as CF.
  9. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    u can also get a cf trunk.. and ive seen a cf roof too actually alot of cf = saves alot of weight but then again = $$
  10. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    maybe u can also remove the back headrest
  11. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    IMO, if you were worried about the take off speed of the car, you should have gone with a different car.

    Did you not test drive the car first? haha.

    I laugh when people are looking for weight saving ways on a 152 hp car, especially if its just for gas mileage and not the track. If it were track, gut the whole thing but the seat and roll cage that "beast"
  12. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    ^^^ not everyone can afford an evo... if everybody could afford fast car why would they even buy a slower car in the first place..
  13. Geaux

    Geaux Well-Known Member

    Very true, I never said 'you should have bought an evo'

    Depending on his level of GTS, he could be upwards of the low 20's in price. Mine, personally was 23ish, so I could have easily gotten a base '08 SI, but I wanted navi and all the tech stuff so I chose the GTS. I was just pointing out that for the price he probably paid for his car, there are lighter/faster out there. Thats all.
  14. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    the best thing you can do, is reduce weight in non-suspended parts (there's a term for those parts but it's just not comming to mine... unsprung?) that includes and most importantly... the rims/tires... forgot the exact equation, but depending on how big and heavy ur rims/tires are, you will drastically reduce the weight of your car... ok think of it like this... lets say you get rims/tires that are only 5 lb less... now ok, 5*4 = 20 lb less... however... u have to remember, this is rotational inertia and weight on the outside of the rim weighs "more"... kind of think of it like a wrench, it's easier to turn a bolt w/ a longer wrench... ne way what i'm getting at... is those 20 lbs ur saving on all the wheels... actually converts to about (like i said i can't remember the exact conversion) but somewhere between 2-4 times as you actually would, so lets just say 3 to be in the middle... so those 20 lb ur saving on wheels, is equivilant to taking 60 lb off the chassis... see... rims are important, very important =)...

    *edit* you could always lose weight :D
  15. david1224

    david1224 Well-Known Member

    yup agree :eek: :) rims are the main thing for loss weight
  16. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    our rims and tires together weigh 42 lbs each.. can anyone confirm this? I only heard it on the forums.
  17. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    42 lb EACH O___o
  18. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    deffinetly not 42 lbs each unless "maybe" if u have steelies
  19. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    Only give rides to skinny passengers.
  20. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: