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Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by Bayurea, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    I just got an email from mistu and at the bottom it has how to update the navi software.. so i clicked on it and i got this...

    "Where can I get updates for my Navigation System? How much do they cost?
    You can purchase the updated DVD/CD from your local Authorized Mitsubishi Retailer. It takes about an hour to two hours to actually upload the new maps. In addition to updated maps, the Navigation System updates also include other new features such as Diamond Lane directions. Please see your local Mitsubishi Dealer for pricing."

    Anyone know or have a linke to a new update or know how much the CD is.. i can always go to the dealer but just wanted to know if u guys knew bout this... wonder what the Diamond Lane directions thing is....
  2. Arcanas

    Arcanas Well-Known Member

    Ya know, I wish I did, but I elected not to get the navi package.

    But firmware updates are always nice.
  3. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    thats tight... i got the navi package and ive been waiting for an update to come out... ill look more into that and ill let you know what i find
  4. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    So i went in for my minor service, and i went to the parts department, n they said its going to be 115$ for the CD upgrade... first i was like 1.15$ n he was like haha no 115$ .. sooo there u go kinda PRICEY!!
  5. Arcanas

    Arcanas Well-Known Member

    wow, that is pricey...so what would the update include?
  6. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    they didnt tell me he just had i guess the order info but not the info on the software, but i know theres a map update and a new Diamond Lane update , tells u carpool lanes info n exits
  7. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    pfff 115 is cheap.. on my after market navigation unit i put in my car.. they want 180 for the freaking update.... sigh...
  8. egret85

    egret85 Well-Known Member

  9. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    o lol I had that link in my favorites for monthes, never got around to readin up on it.
  10. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    ^ lol yea i wish it was that easy, and cheap lol
  11. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    ok... let me get this right... they sell you the update... but you dont get to keep the dvd/cd with you? then if that is the case they arent actually selling the software... they are charging for the installation... I guess... as you all know the prices dealer have for maintenance... which I, on my opinion, believe should have been included software upgrade... for x months or years......
  12. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    no u pay for the CD and u keep the CD
  13. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    ok.. that's more likely...
  14. thetaxguy

    thetaxguy Well-Known Member

    the VW update is over $300. WOW!
  15. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    pm me, or you can call 706 624 3336. Be sure to mention the forum and talk to me Kyle for the discount. I can do them for $110 shipped I am in the parts dept. at a mitsubishi dealer.

  16. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    im pretty sure you have to have a "fob" that plugs into the mini jack under the screen so the update can only be used once, along with the cd.
  17. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    $115 for an update CD! Does that price include the lube too or do they give it to you raw?
  18. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

  19. Rallired08

    Rallired08 New Member

    I bought the update for my wife's outlander and when I went to install it on mine it wouldn't let me, so i guessing that you can only use it once =(