So me and my friend bryan both have the same car GTS 2008 lancer.. and we both have the teins installed.. and we both have the same problem.. there is about a quarter inch diff on the driver side.. the driver side is lower.. and the passenger side is a quarter inch higher.. its on the front and back... and suggestions? its not noticable.. im just anal..
they have been installed for almost a month now.. I havent gotten an allignment yet.. will that possibly fix the problem? i will post pics in a while.. sometime today.
mk well im gonna get an allignment.. on another note some how its even now.. i guess it was the way i parked when i checked it 3 diff times at 3 diff parking lots.. strange.. well its even now.. im still gonna get an allignment.. thanks fellas, i guess.. Steve-
i thought the same think on my car, but i wasn't on even ground. try finding some wear even. maybe that's it
made for the car or not, that reason wouldn't constitute that reason that there uneven....I would think.