H&R lowering springs?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Suspension' started by voidedwarrenties, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    I used the search engine and nada. So does anyone have them? How do they compair to Tien and Works? 1.3 front and 1.4 rear
  2. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    Nothing? A fellow Lancer member needs help and I am stranded with no replys pretty lame if you ask me
  3. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    well that probably means that no one has them. how is that lame?
  4. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    Hey, just saw this thread, I ordered H&R springs a couple of days ago, they're a bit expensive but since i had a great experince with this company i wouldnt mind paying the extra money since i know that these springs are worth it, i will be receiving my springs within next week and i'll install them on the same day so review and photos will come as soon as they're installed! cant wait
  5. tunes

    tunes Active Member

    were did u buy ur springs at and how much? coz i saw sum on ebay for 230 + 30 for shipping and oprionimports for 247 w\o shipping
  6. zacknolden

    zacknolden Member

    Quit Spamming the Forums...

    - Edited by Prophet
  7. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    I ordered the,m from a local dealership for H&R products in Dubai, cost was around 400$ USD including shipping, the guy said that he will import them from germany!

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    I was also looking into getting H&R springs. Lowers vehicle 1.4" front & 1.3" rear. They are expensive but worth it. Good reputation. Hope this helps.

  9. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    ya H&R has a very good reputation, had them on my Fabia and the handling was unbelievable with them.. duno if the real product will look like the photo when you install them.. will find out tomorrow :wink:
  10. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    Pic ? I was looking into getting these as well, can u post a pic ?
  11. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    Here are 2 photos i have so far, I willtake some proper photos soon when the springs settle down a bit more


  12. JDMFanatik

    JDMFanatik Well-Known Member

    oh man looks good! i might even start considering getting those springs. lol
  13. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    wow thats a nice Drop , very clean .. now im intrested , wonder if 18s are the biggest u can go with that kinda of drop... hows the ride?
  14. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    You could go with 19 with this drop, but it has to be a low profile tire, you can go with 235/35 19" tires! they will be almost the same..

    Ride is fine on normal roads, a bit harsh on rough surfaces, but again your gaining handling and losing comfort in here, handling is just awesome now, iam amazed by the grip with the springs!
  15. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    AMAZING! im odering! you should put up some "proper pictures" as you say!
  16. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    I will post some photos this weekend when i have some free time 8)
  17. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    wow looks nice!
  18. LancerGT17

    LancerGT17 Member

    For the H&R Springs, did you need a camber kit, or is a re-alignment sufficient so I don't blow out my struts? Trying to decide between these or the WORKS springs. Since I'm fairly new to modding, how long will my struts last with the car lowered?
  19. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    unless i'm mistaken, with almost any lowering springs, you'll need an alighntment, and there isn't too much u can do about ur stock struts, think of it like this... ur car is lower, so ur car's suspension is in the same position (but in normal circumstances) as it would if you had A LOT of weight in the car... get where i'm going w/ this?
  20. LancerGT17

    LancerGT17 Member

    I kind of understand... I think? No need for camber kit from other threads I've seen, but an alignment is necessary to protect my struts from blowing out prematurely. From the sounds of it, if I lower my car, the struts are going to give either way? Or am I mistaken?