just saying hi. SPC Cobeo 2008 lancer GTS 35% tints all around WORKS AB exhaust. painted mitsu emblems: black on the wheels Future engine mods: cai, headers, pulley, Future cosmetic mods: cf grill, cf hood, cf door panels, cf windsplitter, yellow fogs also thinking on doing the O.Z. ultraleggerra wheels in black. lastly i am waiting for the WORKS springs and rear sway bar hope to be more involved in the future and to receive helpful information as time progresses while deployed
just wondering why i only got one welcome? does nobody like people from georgia? or is the soldier thing bad? just wondering out loud maybe i shouldnt have listed what i wanted to do to the car? its ok either way....dude from singapore got a whole crap load.......where is this site based?
the site is based everywhere. i doubt anyone here has anything against soldiers so put that to rest. don;'t take it personally if people don't post welcome or anything. some people do and some people don't...but... WELCOME!!! there, now you can rest easy tonight...
he he thanks.........i will try to post up some pics....i will have to have the wife log on for me be that i am deployed already
welcome. i am from 31313(fort stewart). i'm out hear in CA because on of my wife in the USAF. do you like it there? there's not much there,but i like it.
Welcome man, A friend of mine was at fort benning for a while I dont know how close they are to each other. anyway how do you like your works exhaust?
oh yeah thee exhaust gives it a more throaty sound its my wife's daily driver and she loves it. Being in georgia there r no emissions laws but the noise could get you a ticket but I TRY not to get the rpms above 3000. Meanwhile I'm still in Kuwait typing off my itouch LOL wireless Internet is cool
i deffinitely found a way....on the i touch you cant download any im apps yet that i know of but i found a website...i wont say its name that allows you to im through them....FOR FREE LOL how happy i was when i stumbled across that gem of knowledge....anyway i am contemplating cai or sri not sure though my buddy has an injen setup on his and i was laughing when he found out the injen full exhaust werent gonna fit his car!!! he was peed lol but i still like the sound his car and my car make together so thats what im leaning toward and then maybe then i will get the headers and we will see from there.....there is an scca track close to home and i really wanna hit that up.....any suggestions on tires?
WOW Kuwait has changed since OIF I & II if you have internet. I remember sleeping in Hadji tents up north not containers, how times have changed over there. Keep your head down and don't be on the road if you don't have to. Get back soon and welcome to the site..
yea i am currently up north in country and i live on a patrol base. we still burning our poo and just got hot water and pressure. but our internet is top notch since its only like 40 of us using it and we got wireless here also....i got me a nice cold room in an old ip building and work outta there i havent been to the home fob since i been here. its really small but its works for me.......got alot of gym equipment. oh and we have a cook so we eat good enough