How much was it to install your springs!

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Suspension' started by mb978n, Mar 26, 2008.

How much was labor to install your springs?

  1. <100

  2. 100-200

    0 vote(s)
  3. 200-300

    0 vote(s)
  1. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    Please let me know how much it was to install your springs!
  2. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    free i did them myself
  3. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    Me and one of my mechanic friends installed mine at the dealership he works and it was free for me but im gunna guess in the ballpark between 100-200 bucks
  4. blacksheep818

    blacksheep818 Well-Known Member

    i paid 175
  5. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

  6. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    $50 cause i got a friend that works for mitsu
  7. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    usually around 200 is the average price
  8. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    i appreciate all the quick replys.. i did expect somewhere between the ballpark of 100-200..

    in response to those who say do it by myself the neighborhood i live in isnt the best area to complete the task so my best option would be to have a shop install them

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    The shop would be your best bet.
  10. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    especially if something goes wrong, u can blame it on the shop ^_^
  11. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Exactly or have them re-pair it for a even lower cost or for free :p
  12. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    yet again, it's always fun working on ur car urself... so u kinda miss out on that :(... lets not forget cheaper :p
  13. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

  14. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

  15. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    stfu then if u dont know anything

    if u dont beleive thats cool

    give me ur car ill take ur shit out like nothing
  16. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I dont know anything? ok. but of course you do.
    I would not give you my car to wash it.
  17. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    I dont know anything? ok. but of course you do.
    I would not give you my car to wash it.[/quote:3buf7ah2]
    who gives a flipping fuck

    i did the install myself end of story
  18. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    who gives a flipping fuck

    i did the install myself end of story[/quote:3gr0z474]

    and of course this all by yourself and no witnesses
    if that makes you sleep better at night.
  19. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    dude stfu what do i need to prove

    fucking little bitch ddamn.
  20. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    tell that to me when we meet. TRUST, I will want to see if you can replace springs. You had a hard time installing a rear strut bar let alone some springs!!!!