Hey Everyone......i know this is a stupid question....but i have a DE n i HATE my black handles.......does n e one know if i can either paint my handles or just buy the painted ones n hook them up 2 my car......i am almost repulsed looking at my car n feel i cant do n e thing 2 it cuz its still gunna look like a kmart brand with the black handles..........thanx
handles can be painted, but u gota be careful to use the right paint and amount of it will look worse then the black ones lol
Truth, also hopefully the paint matches lol or it'll look sketchy and flake off EASY. i'd just go to mitsu(even though i'd so much rather go a ghetto shop then the dealer) and see what you can do about the color
Thanx guys......im just sayin i would rather not paint them for that reason only....i dont want it 2 look like shyt so thats y i was wondering if n e one knew where i could get the handles painted already....ill take 2 mitsu 2morrow n see but they will prolly charge me n arm n a leg n dick me over......but i guess i gotta do wut i gotta do......
yeah thats why i said i rather go to a ghetto shop then the dealer, but i mean atlest get an idea of what they charge..
Hey everyone...thanx but i talked 2 the dealer n he said the painted pieces with the extention thingies w/ tax is gunna be 346.19...so itll be a while but its worth it so ill look around for other places but i guess ill just have 2 save up 4 those
yea i hear ya.......im a chick so i rather just buy the pretty ones already done lol.....i dont know much about where 2 go n how much 2 pay cuz i always feel like im gettin ripped off or taken advantage of
LOL @ the pretty ones Most likely you can find them at the dealer, but be prepared to pay. try here: http://mitsubishiparts.com/ or you can always google it.
Not true. Depends on the maaco. some are better than others. and if you go in for the $199 paintjob full car paintjob, dont expect an OEM finish. Pay a bit more, but less than some independant shops and you can get really nice results. I deal with a maaco here in dallas owned by a friend and his shop does great work. examples; my last car--