Orlando Tuesday Night 2/26

Discussion in 'South and Southeast Owners Forum' started by Krylon, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    RallyWagon and I will be in Orlando Tuesday.

    Who wants to meet up, get food and mini golf with us?!
  2. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    crap, thats my girl and i's aniversary date....

    are you guys gonna be here longer than a day?
  3. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    yeh, we'll be there wednesay too
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Then you know your priorities, tell your gf there is always next year :D
  5. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    someone PM me if theres anything good going on tonight in the orlando area!

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

  7. angryGTS

    angryGTS Well-Known Member

    The weather SUCKS tonight!!!! Stupid Florida storms!!!

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Seriously man! DAM...
  9. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    blah. i don't mind driving in the rain. I'm only up here until tomorrow night, and i was hoping to do something exciting..
    stupid clouds were plotting against me, as usual.
  10. mb978n

    mb978n Well-Known Member

    dang everyones in Orlando no ones in Tally
  11. RallyWagon

    RallyWagon Member

    Better than being stuck in Ft. Myers :evil:
  12. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    i WISH everybody would be in orlando... ive tried to set up a shit load of meets here and there only 2 or 3 that show up and we end up eating tots with chees in sonic :evil:
  13. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    lmao :) pickels n cheese!
  14. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    holy thread revival batman!

    man were youve been pedro!

    man i still gotta post the pictures of that night :( ill try to do it after i finish this black and mild :D
  15. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    lmao working like a pig you dont even KNOW!!! lmao hit me up son NOPI this weekend!!!!