New kit and graphics installed.

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by polar1120, Feb 16, 2008.

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  1. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    yea its just the GTS spoiler

    plus the Ralliart comes with the gts spoiler as well

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    2 different exhausts?
  3. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Looks good, but the back of that kit is rather bland compared to the front. If it had a little more style in the rear it would look better imo.
  4. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    It just looks like he kept the silencer in the 1 to reduce the noise.
  5. polar1120

    polar1120 Well-Known Member

    Yeah there wasn't another back bumper out though so that's what I got.
  6. polar1120

    polar1120 Well-Known Member

    no same exhaust one was dirty and one was brand new. I need to clean the tip ands they would on looked the same in the pic.
  7. crimson49er

    crimson49er Active Member

    very nice, i like it a lot
  8. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member

  9. nightwalker

    nightwalker New Member

    I would POSE next to that car, or in it anyday of the WEAK!
  10. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member


    sorry I had to correct it much u end up paying for everything??
    and wat kind of muffler u choose?
  11. daniel

    daniel New Member

    I'm sorry, there is nothing nice about that car.
  12. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    yeah thats your opinion i know that but before you go on and talk about his car how about you introduce your self to the new peoples forum dont make your first post on bashing someones elses car

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

  14. daniel

    daniel New Member

    Calm down, its the internet. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I happen to think that his car is a riced out fake ass evo.

    Also, maybe you could show me where it says I have to introduce myself as my first post?

    Grow up.
  15. polar1120

    polar1120 Well-Known Member

    ok already posted about the plates. I couldn't buy an evo so my wife and I could get a house. She got me the plates trying to be cute
  16. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member


    i had to
  17. daniel

    daniel New Member

    Props to you for buying a house. At least you have your priorities straight.
  18. AntonygTs

    AntonygTs Well-Known Member

    HATERS!!! i give u props for hookin up a lancer that good to look like and evo sorry for u haters not every1 is rich and can buy a evoX and for us his car looks good enough

    nice car bro
  19. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    So just because its "the internet" you can degrade other people on it and not expect people to chastise your opinion(s)? Like person to person is any less real?

    Before you tell others to grow up, you might want to take your own advice. Next time keep your "opinion" to yourself.
  20. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member


    At least you have your alibi straight.

    If I were you, I would take those plates off quickly. Trust me I'm trying to help you when I say that. The car is not an Evo X, regardless if you care what people think or not, driving that around with those plates on is going to result in laughter, or vandalism.....I would know.

    The car is fine, you bought it, do whatever you want to it. But you took a good plate name from a REAL Evo X owner.

    If you cannot afford an Evo X, fine, I can't afford a Ferrari, but I wont drive around with a fake claim to fame on my car. No-one will respect you that way. It will take props from your car away and label you a poser to ALL communities.

    Your car has shown up on 4 different Evo forums now.....Your famous.
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