The Rules

Discussion in 'Forum News, Updates and Feedback' started by Prophet, Dec 18, 2007.

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  1. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    If you can't live by our rules and don't like this community to much you could always man up and leave. We are not forcing you to visit this site.
  2. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    Its by your stupid rules, its just a God damn forum. Ever heard of freedom of damn speech. This is so freaking agrivating!
    You modderators act like god. Your no one special. If someone wants to talk about anything so be it they are allowed. This forum is just going to get worse and worse.
  3. grizbone

    grizbone Well-Known Member

    /\ who peed in his cereal?
  4. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    im not trying to be funny or waste anybodys time.

    I am being dead honest and serious.
  5. grizbone

    grizbone Well-Known Member

    Understandable, but I have to agree with prophet. If these rules aren't for you, no one is forcing you to be here. Start a new forum to your liking perhaps, or join another. Not that anyone wants anyone to leave, but you aren't being held here.
  6. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't be arguing if i wanted to leave. I like the people and i like the forums besides all the stupid rules and making supports vendors #1 when there are nobodys.

    Let registerd users make this forum their own to post their opinions or experience either be about sex, racing, mods, cosmetics, work etc....
  7. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Well since you still want to act like a little spoiled brat and cant comprehend that I pay for this site... I built this site... and this is not a democracy but a dictaroship that I created and these are my rules I am forced to have you leave. You don't pay jack shit for this forum and you don't do anything on this forum but bitch and complain. You bring nothing to the table but a bunch of incoherent babble....

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Propet = THE man!
  9. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    FinestGTS has been banned...

    So anyone else not like the rules? There is the door... I am not holding a gun to anyone's head telling them they have to stay here and only here. Plenty of other forums out there or create your own.

    Lets get everything straight here... I work hard on this site and I don't need members such as FinestGTS who do not apperciate what they have been given nor comprehend that it is because of what I do, my mods do, and the payments from supporting vendors is what keeps this site running for everyone to enjoy.

    What I need is members who can apperciate the hard work the staff and I do for each and everyone of you. Members who can at least understand not agree with certain vendors all the time but who at least see that it is because of there contributions to the site is what keeps it running. What I also need is members who can respect each other....

    What FinestGTS did was total disrepect and I will show everyone here why...

    Right off the bat all ready bad mouthing LT and it's staff.

    It is obvious this guy doesn't understand that difference between a turbocharged car on the street doing 110mph compared to a turbocharged car at the track doing 110mph. We all want our cars to look good and go fast but there is a responsable way of going fast and doing it illegal and jeoperdizing lives by street racing.

    I still haven't heard of someone being killed by lights but I have heard countless stories of kids being killed by idiotic drivers.

    Understand this.. supporting vendors is what keeps this site here. I will not tolerate supporting vendors to bash each other but non supporting vendors really have no say in what goes on here since they do not support this site. This doesn't mean that supporting vendors get to do whatever they feel like on my forums. There held to certain rules too. If you want to read it you can find them here: Click Here

    I can and will terminate an account if it is justified. If I have a huge number of complaints or a vendor who is not contributing to the site then I have every right too terminate.

    And then he ends his rant with blasphemy. I don't know about you guys but I am a Catholic and found this rather rude and on top of that still complaing about this site and the staff. :roll:

    I want everyone to understand something here...

    This is my "house". What I mean by my "house" is this. I built this site and I maintain this site by myself. I worked long hours and thru alot of pain staken php code to build this "house". I put in alot of blood, sweat, and tears into building this "house" and I care alot about it or I wouldn't be here and this "house" wouldn't be here either.

    You don't come into someone's "house" and say what a POS this "house" is. You don't come into someone's "house" and say why the fuck does your family act like a bunch of God's? You don't come into someone's "house" and say I can say whatever the fuck I want to say because I have freedome of speech so fuck this POS "house".

    You don't come into someone's house and do that an not expect you to get your ass kicked. This is my "house" respect my "house".

    If he really liked the forums he would have shown some respect instead of popping off at the mouth. He would have shown a little bit of respect towards the vendors in knowning that they are someone... they help pay for these forums.

    I don't think I need to go one. I am leaving this thread the way it is as an example to anyone else who doesn't like this forum and doesn't like these simple rules I have. You don't like it you don't understand them then there is the door. If you keep acting up in my "house" I'll make you leave.

    Quality above quantity. I think I have alot of quality members here and I don't need members who have no respect....
  10. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Exactly, I couldn't say it better Prophet. Now where's my "LT MOD" at?

  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good points Prophet. Ur right, this is ur baby and if people dont agree with some of the rules, pm you about it or make a polite comment and maybe something can be comprimised. Us Admins and Mods r human too and have good days as well as bad days and it is up to all of us to hold each one accountable for their actions.
    We all make mistakes, but dont go and be blantanly stupid by flame'n every chance u get. Life is not perfect nor this site so get over it.
  12. aww, i hurt the lil boy feelings :( boo o fucking hoo.

    ban me all you want cause its not doing anything at all buddy :)

    Like i said ur a pos with ur corney rules and im only here to help and i've done my part of it but now i will just observe and see hwo many more people you ban cause ur a lil bitch ass.

    P.S. Cause i brought "Jesus" to my post he got offended. o lol now that i find hilarious

    You have fed me the fire to keep burning.
  13. blacksheep818

    blacksheep818 Well-Known Member

  14. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Sheep that's just mean. All he ever wanted is to help but then he went to far and got what he deserved, nothing more.

    Although, every account you decide to make will get banned so why try.
  15. blacksheep818

    blacksheep818 Well-Known Member

    ok if he read the rules he would be back in 7 days cause its his first ban but he so but hurt about rules
  16. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    :roll: well this just shows us how pathetic you are. Your bitching about the site but you keep coming back?
  17. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member


    You mean, his so hurt about the rules that he doesn't even care?
  18. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

  19. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Added rule #9
  20. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    you should add a rule that if you're gonna use big words and big capital letters at least know how to spell 8O

    Finest was a perfect example. It's kinda hard to take someone seriously when their grammar, spelling is T3h Suckz. yea i know it's a longshot but thought id ask. hah
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