Lancer 08 audio diagram manual... TECH MANUAL LINK TO PDF

Discussion in 'Audio, Security and Electronics' started by nanonyc, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    ok... after consulting with KRU... who is in no doubt the most knowlegeble person (hope I spelled it right LOL) now am going to post a link who all of us will find very interesting... but first... PLEASE THINK SAFETY FIRST...

    for all of you who have some tech knowledge this is the link which will explain everything about our cars audio system...

    PS found it on another forum... and the credit goes to boy36 on that forum..
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    :thumbright: :thumbleft:
  3. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    so umm.... after reading that i remembered im not an electronics engineer. hahaha :twisted:
  4. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    LOL... after I read the manual... I felt Like whatever I thought about audio.... is nothing... LOL... thnakx KRU... now.. I love to see it in a FOR DUMMIES VERSION... LOL... I know that with this manual... ppl can now actually keep their steering controll for the radio even with an after market one... there we can see the location of the factory amp... which is under the drivers seat... LOL... but my question is ... now... are the factory amp;s cable still under the seat... I havent checked... and maybe we can use the plug that is in the quarter panel on the driver side to install our after market... that way it would look stock... now I need to find out which one is the remote cable they used ... because I have a weird sound come out of the base everytime I leave the the back seat door or windows open when the radio is off... that is weird... LOL...
  5. prcdslnc13

    prcdslnc13 Well-Known Member

    yea now you post it. two days after I called 4 dealerships and read their crappy undersized scans :evil:

    oh wellz guess this just goes to show I can read crappy type cause I did it right!!lol
  6. Primetime

    Primetime Well-Known Member

    great info dude, thanks
  7. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    sorry ... LOL.. I just found it after I almost killed all my brain cells trying to figure out stuff I need it to add to the navi... after I bought a used one from ebay.... LOL... but look at it on the bright side... this is an everyday info that we need for all time...
  8. arc

    arc Well-Known Member

    does anyone have another link to this just comes up error 404
  9. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    /\Me too
  10. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    let me see if I can find the files in my computer.... and maybe it can be hosted here... who knows...
  11. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    /\ hosted off your computer?

    yeah thats not a bad idea at all :roll:
  12. playa213xx

    playa213xx Well-Known Member

    link is still messed up...does anyone have this??
  13. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    damnit...i was looking for this diagram...anybody have the PDF downloaded or can repost it?