Does anyone have a Wii?? I got one for my b/f for Christmas. It's pretty cool. Trying to add some friends to it though..
well when you guys figure it out my number is 4441-7586-8853-4497 it's cool, having the miis get together
I have a wii. When I find out my friends number I will let you know. I haven't used the friends number yet but I LOVE my wii
yea i had a hard time finding mine. especially right before Christmas too. my brother in law got it from his job.. toys r us.. down in florida..
Ya I have one also I lucked out I walked in and it was the last one they got a shippment of 50 that day. I love playing the old games on it I downloaded all the mario brothers games. I just bought Smash brothers brawl pretty sweet
Have had one for a while now (still waitin' for the really good games to come out though....c'mon Mario Kart! lol). Not sure what the heck my number is though.
Yea i wanna get mario kart too. As for your wii number, click on the little icon that looks like an envelope. then go into your address book. its shows your wii console # there.