Got my hookup...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by LancerBound, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    Talked to an old friend of mine in Colorado who does race cars and motorbikes. Told me he's gonna get in contact with his companies and see what we can do about parts and sponsors. Now I just gotta sort out that guy at the dealership..
  2. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    waiting for a car sucks doesnt it :cry:
  3. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    ya it sure as hell does
  4. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    Yeah it blows. I just called the dealer for those numbers....this guy doesn't call me back today I'll just call the lady who owns it and forget him. I used to sell cars, if he wants my business he'll do what's needed.