Mod Wish List...and hate list.

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by LancerBound, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    Ok, so here's what we're doing. Or at least, *I'm* doing. I'm gonna post a 'wish list' if you will of stuff that's out, and stuff that isn't. Things I want to slap on mine ASAP and things I hope to see more of in the next year. (Hope that dealer calls me back soon) Anyways, I'm sure I'll forget some stuff, and I'm not terribly savvy under the hood, but let's see what we can work up.

    - Big brake kit
    - Some nice looking rims (tired of the same ol' 8 spoke. 3 piece please.)
    - A nice body kit (sure, the EVO X is gorgeous, but AM is AM after all. *crosses fingers for Veilside to get on it*)
    - Better wings (Triple level Terminators? Ugh. Whale tails? No thanks.)
    - New tailights (Let's just see what they can come up with..)
    - Grills. Give me something way custom. I can't wait to see the CF one.
    - Dual exhaust setups (preferably something fat or quad tip. I like the new slant job Lexus is doing with their stacked tips)
    - Shifter knobs (Some in the stocks colors might be nice...)
    - Aluminum pulleys
    - Performance plugs and wires (not really a mod, but perf. related)
    - Lowering kit (the Tien looks nice...let's see if anyone can beat it)
    - Nice interior replacement lights. (Let's go LED crazy)
    - HID kit
    - LED Fog Lamps (liked that tutorial)
    - Kuhmo Ecsta's (They were nice and sticky on my last car, and one of the best rated street tires.)
    - Racing seats
    - Carbon Fiber EVO extreme hood *drools*
    - Carbon fiber trunk (might as well do both ends)

    My brain's exhausted on that for right now... let's go on to my personal mods *These are/can be heavy work!*
    - My 4 to 2 door flare conversion
    - 2 seater fiberglass conversion (I hate being a taxi, and a car that sexy shouldn't be. Just let em watch me drive by.)

    Ok, finally, things to say fuck off too, that either died/should stay dead, or should be dead

    - Skateboarding (that stupid shit where your tires hang halfway out the wells
    - 20s on a sports car
    - Airbags (sorry, had hydros on a lowrider. They rule, but not on cars like this.)
    - Mexican paint jobs (usually seen on older cars, but I was born in Ohio, where idiots rule the road...)
    - West Coast Choppers, or any other decal not related to the car itself. Hell, decals in general get on my nerves.

    So, that's all for now. What's everyone else got?

  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    so you like your plastic intake manifold? 8)
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Whats a mexican paint job? :twisted:
  4. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    and don't forget the stock Sway Bar is Teh SUXORRRRZ. for real though. 8)
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    a horrible horrible joke.
  6. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    Plastic is a big negatory, however I don't think I quite enjoy the looks of the CF one either. But thanks for the add. And yes, the sway bar too. I saw the new kit online and think I'll be getting one as soon as I can....Mexican paint jobs are the ones where every face of the car is adorned in a big fat stripe, with many blocks resulting, and typically a myriad of, IMHO, ugly colors. Pinks, blues, yellows, and greens are pretty common.
  7. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    you officially have no clue what you are talking about. Do you even know what part i was talking about?

  8. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    never mind :x
  9. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    *slaps forehead* Sorry, i was looking at the damn engine cover. Been browsing on RRM..
  10. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    You mustn't have liked my comment on those paint jobs...
  11. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    be cool, gatz

    As you stated, this is done by just Mexicans? not anyone else?
  12. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    you beat me to it bras....
  13. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    Man, you guys don't take assignings of any kind lightly around here, so I suppose tis best to keep such adjectives to my own. No, by what I mean is the paint style is commonly associated with lowriders and moreso associated with those of a mexican descent. Although I have seen one black guy I went to high school with having a similar motif on his monte carlo. Point is, I wasn't trying to be offensive, but descriptive, and saying I have a personal lack of interest in the style, just as some may with my own. You guys may see stereotyping or whatever, I see description in it. Not to say I don't see stereotypes as well. To me, it's the same as saying it's a ricer versus an american p.o.s.
  14. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    never mind 8)
  15. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

  16. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    No, but apparently you misunderstand or care to take everything into such a negative content. Which is fine. I just won't bother with ya. If explanations don't work, silence will. :? I guess cultures shouldn't be different and accepted by everyone with equal enthusiasm.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Did you know that the lowrider sceen is huge in Japan? So yeah it would be best if you kept race out of it.
    I like vinyl graphics on cars when done tastefully. So does this mean i dont like you? NO!
    I think what YOU need to realize that any thing done to a vehicle by a company and a person or people(private parties) deserves respect. Regardless if you like it or not. These people are the ones taking that risk to actually put their hard earned money out their to try and do something. Now I agree not everything is done tastefully, but at least they are still trying.
    So I think you should build your ride and show us what ya got. If you dont have the funds to get going the last thing you need to be doing is to be bashing from your keyboard.
  18. LancerBound

    LancerBound Member

    No i didn't know about the lowrider scene in Japan, though admittedly I would love to go out there. But that's more because I had a good friend who was from Japan as a child, who introduced me to a lot of their culture. I also enjoy stuff from many other cultures, and will admit that obviously I haven't perused every one in existence. As far as cars go, I'm not saying they should never be respected, that they aren't due it. But there is a difference between respect and like. Maybe someone has three wives, or aborted a child, or whatever little thing it is. I can respect the fact they made their own decisions, for whatever reason that may be. However, that doesn't mean I have to like it. And the only reason I say those specific subjects is due to the high amount of responses and media articles about such things, that it's something we all know about and typically have strong opinions of.
    That being said, I'm not trying to say that lowriders are tied into any particular group or race's history as definitive. In fact, the first lowrider was made by an average american using plane shocks on an old chevy back in the 50's. Nothing to do with mexicans at all. However, much of the lowrider culture tends to be rooted in hispanic themes and ways. Just like hockey is commonly associated with Canada, D&D is associated with nerds or geeks or dorks, and just as redheads are associated with fiery personalities. It's all description. As I said before, as i will continue to do so. You see it as race in a bad way, not I.
    So yeah, I'll make my car, I'll show it on here, and you may not like it. Maybe I won't when it's all said and done and change some things. Personally, I like your car, but there will be other cars I won't. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna call them out and say they're fu_kin stupid for their choices. They just won't be mine.
    Anyways, this is beyond the point it should have been, IMHO, and has become something I didn't want it to be. I came here to get into the scene with others, not 'bash from my keyboard'. You guys can post whatever you want to. I've said and reiterated enough.
  19. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Can't we just all by friends?
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ^it all well and good.
    I just want you to be aware that a lot of people are sensitive to things when they are corilated with race.
    Me personally I could care less. Im a big Italian whop and I build bad @$$ rides. I will be the first one to tell ya, but I have put in my time over the last 21 years. So I can glout from time to time, but when it comes down to it and Im parked to a stock GTS, I often wonder, "Did I do the right thing?" and some times think that oem looks better and I did a bad job.
    I cant say what I like or dislike. I just build, but first I ps to how my ideas will look and if i like then I build.

    Oh well Im rambling on, so good luck to ya and I cant wait to see some pics along the way.