DSM Meet 11-24-07 (Downtown Chicago)

Discussion in 'Mitsubishi News & Info' started by FF7DarkCloud, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, there was a huge meet in the DSM forums I am in yesterday! over 80 cars and it seriously looked like fast and the furious 3 over here haha, I only got one video of everyone parked in front of the field museum cause my batter died right after, after that we all went for a cruise all over downtown in a huge pack, and here i was representing with the only 2008 lancer haha, youll see it in the vid. enjoy:)

    PS. Most of the cars were talons (god dam their fast) and sorry for the shaking, being next to the lake in downtown chicago with only a hoodie is a very bad idea haha.

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    nice brudda
  3. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    yeah it was completely insane, i really wish i got all the racing footage afterwards though :(
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I forgot it was this weekend, was at D1.
  5. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    whats d1?
  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    professional drifting.
  7. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    ooo nice :D , how did that go??
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Loud and fun.
  9. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    good to hear^_^, where do u go to find out about these events?