Upcoming Exhaust Prototype

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by kinkbmxrydr, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest


    The axleback exhausts will be $250 shipped to any of the 48 states

    Available local pick up as well
  2. bf360

    bf360 Well-Known Member

    take a bunch of sound clips, and we need final product photos

    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    Where can we pick em up?
  4. pinoyrage

    pinoyrage Well-Known Member

    like he said...want to see final product pics. i might be interested to get one as well...
  5. jason5sc

    jason5sc Member

    ship to canada?
  6. Farmer11

    Farmer11 Active Member

    where can we order from? website or what
  7. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    once i get it in my hands it should be up on a website

    i think canada and others surrounding the united states will be able too

    ill let you guys know

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    kink hook me up
  9. xomp

    xomp Member

    We can ship to Canada no problem. The only thing we require is confirmed paypal address. If not, we can take money order for it.
  10. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    you guys heard it! canada people can order this!
  11. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest


    They should be coming in Dec. 17, possibly earlier but 17 is a for sure day
  12. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    can't wait... my cousin just got himself a Lancer, and I'm looking to getting him this for xmas

    Can you guys ship out to Guam? We not a US state, but we are US Territory.

    Any info on performance?
  13. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    yea we could ship, but it must be paypal confirmed
  14. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Let me know when u get urs kink. So I can come check it out and possibly pick it up.
  15. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Ohh nice! Finally the lancer is having choices not just RRM. Anyways, im guessing you are accepting paypal as a choice of payment which is excellent because i try not to use my credit cards at all.

    2nd. Add me to the buylist but only add me once we get a soundclip and pix of the final peice so i can see/hear what ill be buying.
  16. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    tatsujo, forsure man!

    hopefully i get it friday!!!!!!
  17. JapangloKo

    JapangloKo New Member

  18. joeker

    joeker Member


    Please add me to the list. I live in SoCal and I can come by and pick it up.
  19. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    :headbang: txt me man.
  20. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Fuckin bay area.....

    WOO WOO!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: