project 8

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by Silverbulletviii, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. it still a work in progess im getting a oem hood painted black mirrors and the wing lowered and new wheels. then moar performance map turbo. that all i can remember for now will add more pix and things that i will add
  2. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Like the black IC and piping.
  3. Thanks man I trying to black out as much of the car that I can
  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    I was going to try that...but just didn't go that well with the gray IMO...
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I like the black ic look. And gold, like Jogen was doing.
  6. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    I don't know how you feelabout it...but here goes:

    Black roof and decklid......I'ma huge fan of the AS and black combo. I know the black roof and shit has been done quite a bit here lately, but I think iot would go well with your hood. To me, just the hood on the AS looks a little off...but thats just my opinion. It looks good nonetheless, but thats what I would do...especially since you have the dark wheels, spoiler, lip, etc.

    Also...are those EVODave headlights or just the DEPIO replacements?
  7. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    They look like evodaves but you know im dumb. Also he should get the carbon fiber roof instead of black roof. Hell of a lot more money, yea. But bad ass looking and weight reduction is a massive plus.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk 2
  8. ok i understand that black roof idea will look nice i dont know about it yet. i got alot of thing im going to do to the car i just got the motor to get built 23 stroker. gsc's s2 and a pte 6466 and a meth kit and i will post of the exhaust mani.
  9. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Is that toxicfabs manifold?

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk 2