what do guys think of twin loop muffler/exhaust?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by aznboiultra, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. aznboiultra

    aznboiultra Well-Known Member

    Any of you guys ever heard of this or try this? I did some readings online, most of the responce I found is those does nothing at all and just make noise thats it. Do any of you guys think this is a performance exhaust or just something else?
  2. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    to me it looks like a bunch of crap man i would avoid that.
    but yet thats just me
  3. aznboiultra

    aznboiultra Well-Known Member

    I kind of agree with you, it does seem like a bunch of crap, but I find it funny some1 would come up with this. I only seen this used once and it was on a 95 or 96 civic. It doesn't seem as louds in person and not as louds as those other exhaust.
  4. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I remember reading about these a while back, about how it's supposed to provide more power because of the way it backflows against itself or something along those lines. Idk. I've seen it once or twice on a car, and like everything it's just what that person lies. I think it looks kind of interesting, wouldn't do it to my car, but it's different.
  5. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    lol holy restriction batman! you might as well stick with your stock exhaust
  6. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    ^ yeah just stick with stock rather then this muffler and make sure to get full exhaust if anything not just a muffler ;)
  7. sk13322

    sk13322 Well-Known Member

    i would deff not use this muffler lol
  8. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    Weirdest thing I've ever seen.
  9. slickdevil08

    slickdevil08 Well-Known Member

    yeah it is. but something about it make me wanna buy it hmmm...

    oh yeah it an exhaust with a handle i get it. for when intruders enter your home you beat the living piss out of them with it. :D
  10. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Like the others, I have only seen it on a select few rides. Not for me personally...I'm more into the J's Racing thing...still debating on buying one...haven't decided yet. more of a Honduh thing, but I still like it....

  11. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I've only seen that ^ exhaust on an s2k. Wasn't too impressed.
  12. hyperlite662

    hyperlite662 Well-Known Member

    ive see this before but not a fan of how it looks in my own opinion though.
    but hey if you like it go for it.
  13. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    To each his own but i think its crap and super ricey. Just sayin lol
  14. aznboiultra

    aznboiultra Well-Known Member

    I am not planning to get this, i just want to start a topic about this and getting people opinions and ideas since we don't have a topic on this in the forum. I am actually looking for something similar to that exhaust but with out the loop cause there isn't much ground clearance driving my lancer in to the drive way of the parking lot. So getting those greddy, hks, etc exhaust is impossible for me not unless i want to scratch the heck out of the bottom of those exhaust. Just to let you guys know, my car is not lower at all its the street where i live are kind of curved upward and a high angle drive way. I actually scrape the under part of the front bumper a lot time when I drive in and out, haha.