Hey all. So i'm on 60K miles on my '08 GTS and the engine bay is a mess. I've read a few articles on cleaning it and they all involve hosing it down with a garden hose...i'm not too sure about that.... anyone have experience cleaning their engine bay? How do you go about doing it? Do you use a Citrus Cleaner? Aside from the intake (i've got the RRM SRI v2) is there anything else that should be protected/covered with plastic bags? Thanks for the help!
Me personally, I would wipe it down by hand. Im just over cautious about spraying water on my engine with all the wires and my belts. Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
^^ I've always used a trick I learned in the Coast Guard.... Go buy some of that cheap tire shine/cleaner FOAM. The stuff in the aerosol can. You can spray that stuff just about anywhere...the only place that I don't spray mine is on my CAI. Let the stuff sit for a few minutes, and wipe it down with a rag...simple.
tire shine cleaner foam eh? think I'll go ahead and give that a try. safe to use around the electrical wires and all too?
I should've looked at this before I went and bought tire wet. shoulda bought tire foam and just did the tires with that and my engine bay. thinking about painting the valve cover black
im in need of a bay clean. normally i just spray it down and put a platic bag around my intake walla clean as can be
Ok scratch that idea. My bay isnt even dirty. I dont think it would make a fair before and after comparison.
Have you guys not seen my p.r. it is disgusting. I will clean it next saturday on my day off. Hopefully it will remain my day off. Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Haha...I just checked my schedule. Apparently it doesn't exist. This makes me a bit sad. Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk