so its been 20 degrees here and finaly we caught a 50 degree day so i go to start my lancer to go to work put the key in and crank and it wont fire, just keeps cranking. so i stop for a few secs take the key out all they way and try again after a few more secs of just cranking it start fine. that was 3 days ago and it runs fine and starts fine. Im thinking it has to do with something to do with the chip in the key beacuse i dont remeber seeing "remove key" when i put the key in. I did wash the car that day but didnt do anything out of the ordenary. A mech at work said maybe bad gas or mosture since its went from 20 to 50 with high mosture. Or a crank sensor he also said. I will take it back to the dealer it came from if it happens again since the car only has 800 miles but i just wrote it down and im keeping track of it maybe a fluk. Im not going to run to the dealer every tiny issuse if it happens once. what do you guys think? thanks
how much gas did you have in the tank? the "remove key" is interesting though. I haven't come across anything like this
I would take it back to the dealer next time it does it. At 800 miles there should be no issues with a new car. It does sound like some kind of water got in the gas but if that was the case then it wouldnt start the next time. Battery could be dying from a bad ground (possible but unlikely) or alternator is defect or something.
I had a lil more than a half of tank. i filled it up since than. i has not done the same issuse. what i meant buy the "remove key" message was when you put the key in with the door open the screen reminds you to take the key out. So maybe i had the door shut i cant remeber. I might just take it back so they can atleast give me paper work to document it. I know there was a lot of mositure in the air since it went from 20 to 50 that day.
stoped by the dealer to grab coolant which they gave me the wrong kind after i had the dude check 3 times, and they said it could of been mositure changing from 20 to 50 and so on, they said dont worry about it unless it happens again than bring it back no problem. I tought i read somewhere that there was a tsb on 08 lancer were they had bad relays or something causeing a hard starting issuse but i would hope they had this fixed by 2011.
so it happened again this mouring after work, i had my phone pluged in for a hour on lunch with the car off and had my amp and radio on right before i shut the car off before work but i dont think this has anything to do with it beacuse the radio and amp go off with the key and i didnt do any of this the first time this happened. i have a lil under half a tank and the weather was the same all day but the day before it was like 45 than 17 the next day. Hasta be the weather?
oh yeah car has about 1003 miles when this happened and check this out i dont know what he mines by throttle flat, wide open to the floor?
update it seems to be doing this after a car wash no matter how much i drive or let it sit after a car wash. it will be hard to start after it sits but not right after. It is cold out, Any ideas now that i figured out about the washes???