Hey everyone, my name is Greg. I figured that I'd join to support my cousin, JDMHammer, and to get some taste and feel for the Lancer community seeing as I will prob be purchasing an Evo this spring. Right now my daily driver is a Subaru WRX, hense the hate on part . Anyways I look forward to meeting some of you guys at some point and hopefully rollin' with you at some events to come.
Well, I won't hate too much. There's a lot of embarrassment just being related to the bossman. Welcome to LT, the Lancer forum run by a guy with a Scooby....
I want your WRX! I've been looking for an AWD. Buuut funds make me upset. So I settled for a turbo fwd. Welcome to our forums. LOL @ L2Q.
No definitely older gen...a) they're a lot cheaper b) proven power c) I just think they plain look better. I'm gonna make sure mine is before the active diff...easier to make power when there are less electronics to govern it >
welcome figured it was about time for you to join since Alex has told me about you. I wont hate on you for owning a WRX since you will be hoping into an Evo. Ill save all my hate for Alex lmao. Iv got to wait till the move before i even think about an Evo.