Moron backed into me

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by mhmayhem88, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. mhmayhem88

    mhmayhem88 Well-Known Member


    Just aggravating because I always park in the middle of nowhere specifically to avoid things like this and look what happens...the only saving grace is that they were decent enough to leave their information. Still just a pain in the ass though. You put effort into keeping a car nice and idiots who don't know how to drive ruin it for you.
  2. el lancer

    el lancer Active Member

    sucks man, your lucky they left the note tho
  3. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    That sucks, man. I know what its like though...Ive had my car for almost 7 years now, and it seems that whatever I do...some new ding pops up every now and then.
  4. locke_09

    locke_09 Member

    Man that sucks. I know how that is I have been rear ended twice in the past year. Luckily mine was really minor damage also, just paint transfer. hope everything turns out ok.
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Hey, at least it doesn't seem too big. It appears to be just scratches mostly.
  6. aratkrision

    aratkrision Active Member

    i know the feeling dude i was lucky today since i was walking to my car when i heard someone hitting a car going in reverse and just at the same parking that i use everyday, somethig told me to get away from that spot today, i also hate the ones who open their doors and hits yours, im the kind of people who take care with my doors and i try not to scratch othe rpeople cars cause i believe in karma
  7. mhmayhem88

    mhmayhem88 Well-Known Member

    I am thankful they left their information. I would've been absolutely pissed if I had to pay for it out of my pocket. And the hit could've been a lot worse. It's just more of an inconvenience than anything else...ya gotta call the insurance company's, get the estimates, and then you have to give up the car for who knows how long and I don't have rental coverage...or would their insurance cover a rental? I don't know...anyway, it's really just a pain. Oh well...I think the most ridiculous thing is that I was literally on the other side of the parking lot with zero cars around. Lol I does that happen.
  8. mhmayhem88

    mhmayhem88 Well-Known Member

    Well I finally get my rear bumper fixed this Thursday. I'll only be without the car for 2 days...which isn't bad. The gf is letting me borrow hers.
  9. TallGaudet

    TallGaudet Active Member

    I feel you man, 2 days after I bought my '10 SE, I noticed a paint chip on the passenger door. I almost examined the car with a microscope the day I got it an it was all clear. Some a-hole must have swung his door open like there was no tomorrow without any consideration for anyone or anything.

    Got a paint touch up pen and I hope it won't need a repaint in a year just because of that. :(