g`day guys, ecutek or something else, i havent heard much good about them. i have a ra 09 with a k&n airfilter and a hks cat back nock off atm, now to research tuning options. :? any advice?
One option is an accessport from COBB. Like I said in your othere thread, i'm pretty sure ecutek is in the uk, yeah? edit: just realized theres dealers all over. Is'nt there somewhere to get a custom tune in your area. that would be better than just getting ecu flash.
hiya again dude, closest custom tune is 1100 k away in melbourne as far as i know, still searching there, and cobb wont even bother returning my emails, apparently an american ra is slightly different than an oz one, cos of climate and octane levels in your petrol, still researching that too. i agree that a custom tune would be better, and cheaper if i lived in melbourne, but i dont. creatd is the name of the tuners in melb., supposed to be excellent too.
Have you tried AMS? They have a ECU mail-in option. They might be able to help out. But like you said, because of the fuel differences, I doubt they'll have something for you, but its worth a shot. 8) If not than you've got a drive ahead of you
dont know about the drive dude, lets face it man, its a long way if they screw up and i`m only going on hearsay how good they are to begin with. :?