I am trying to make it easy for me to transfer the data from the old to the new. Currently we have so much I can't do it on a local machine, I need to task a server to do it.
It's terrible. I don't like the online, it's too fast-paced. It takes a whole bunch for me to kill people, but by the time I realize I'm getting shot at I'm dead. I'm sure some of the problem is not knowing the maps, but that usually doesn't take me too long. So, we'll see how I feel after a few days.
Bo is getting on my nerves. I starting to go back to battlefield or assassin creed Sent from my Galaxy S3.
One thing I really like is being able to run around with the knife as your primary. Definitely makes the game a lot more fun for me, considering I can barely break even on my k/d using a gun, so I don't really care anymore. Lol. On previous ones, I tried to keep it high, but it's impossible for me right now on blops.