I'm using 7 at work an it's fine. Obviously chrome is better Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Cuz it's how I roll...
I don't get it... why do people still use IE? This is a report I have for the last 500 visitors.... wtf people.
I have a feeling I'm the only one using Safari. Lol. And sticker bomb dashboard piece thing? You know the fake wood trim stuff.
Yeah...that was the first thing I thought about bombing. But since I just CF'd it, I'm gonna leave that be for a while. Mine was never the woodgrain...mine had this hydro dipped CF pattern on it. Just as shitty as woodgrain
Same here. My company doesn't understand how shitty ie is Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Cuz it's how I roll...
Luckily I don't really need to use the computer at work, and I'm sure the office people have to suffer through IE.
because I happened to be in the geographical area that they just so happened to throw that party? not kewl. lol