problem with my SRI

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by baetz5190, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Hey guys, I have a 2010 Lancer ES, and i've ran into a setback with my new SRI, its a custom built one for my car, that my mechanic did up, he just did one for my buddies and it ran great. So i know its not a problem in the craftmenship of the SRI. Once it stalled my engine just ran like crap, it sounded like it was running too rich, and I believe that the problem is coming from the airflow sensor. My mechanic says the same thing. Is there anyway to fix this problem other than getting new tuning software, he told me a new sensor might do it, but if not he's gonna have to get it tuned. I was just curious if i have any DIY options at this point to fix the problem.
  2. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Well, an SRi or CAI makes the car run rich by increasing the amount of air by reducing the restriction the car's vacuum system has to deal with. Don't worry about tuning until you try the simple things first. I would start with cleaning the MAF. Sometimes, something simple like a grain of sand could alter the signal. I would then check for any leaks in the piping or couplers between the MAF and TB. If any amount of air is coming in that the MAF dosen't read, it will cause erratic idle and poor performance.
  3. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Sorry about the slow reply, I've been on post deployment, how would you suggest cleaning it? A wetwipe and dry it out? Give it a good rinse then hand dry it? Or just go over it with a clean rag?
  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    If you head to any parts store, the will have MAF cleaner. Its usually by the carb/TB cleaners in the aerosol cans. Using H2O on the MAF could result in the shit added in your H2O (calcium, flouride, etc) to harden on the sensor...utterly killing it. Just pull out the MAF and sprray it with the cleaner and let air dry. Don't touch the filament wires with anything at all...any residue or lint from a cloth or wrag will leave you in the same boat....
  5. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Okay so I tried cleaning my MAF, with CRC got the SRI installed again, made sure everything was tight there were no loose seals ect, and i'm still having the same problem, I regret not buying a standard like I originally intended to, but i know this can be fix cause i've seen plenty of automatics with SRI's installed. One of our corpsmen has a 08 eclipse and his SRI works fine and its an automatic. What the mechanic told me was I need to get DSMlink and get it tuned. Is this sounding like what needs to be done? I don't want to shell out 550 bucks if it's say, a 150 dollar fix. Any idea's?

    Edit: Just got off the phone with one of our tuner heads back at the barracks, he suggested disconnecting the battery and letting it sit for 30 minutes, which would cause the ECU to reset and reprogram itself to whatever is in the car, seeing as how its the air/fuel ratio that is probably having the conflict with the new SRI. Opinions on if this would work or not?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  6. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Definitely try that first. The only cars that I have dealt with that require a tune for a simple intake swap are the 05+ mustangs and the new camaro. Disconnect battery, then let it idle on its own for about 15. After that, take it for a easy drive (below 4k). if that dosen't help, I have no idea without it right in front of me....
  7. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Thats what my guy back at Lejeune was telling me to do, so hopefully this will work.
  8. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Yep no luck, the air box is back on, its looking more and more like i'm going to have to get this thing tuned, thanks for all your help man, thought i was going to be able to save alot of money.
  9. 03 ES GUY

    03 ES GUY Well-Known Member

    You live on Camp Lejuene??? I used to live in Swansboro!! I did work on camp lejeune at the new barracks pulling wire in the buildings.

    On the topic now, the car may very well need the tune. It's newer and modifying anything with the airflow with newer cars requires tunes...
  10. baetz5190

    baetz5190 Member

    Yeah man 0311 infantry, you wouldn't happen to be pulling wire through those new barracks going up by the skeet range?
  11. 03 ES GUY

    03 ES GUY Well-Known Member

    Well I was at hadnot point, courthouse bay, French creek and camp johnson. Not sure where the skeet range is lol
  12. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    It's going to depend on how much your car is taking in air now. You might need to visit a shop to have the car tuned so it knows what the proper fuel/air mix should be. (I had an 08 and had to do that)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. 03 ES GUY

    03 ES GUY Well-Known Member

    I figured it needed tuned. The car is running too lean. Need more fuel.