I think I'm on level 38. I can't remember. Started playing Portal 2 with a friend of mine a while back and we never finished.
I think it was worth $60 for 2 copies of the same game. Or rather I only paid $53. Yay for a job at GameStop.
I know PC's and PS3's can play together via some sort of Steam client on PSN. I'm looking for a partner sometime, if you're interested. I haven't even touched the co-op yet.
Go ahead and add me. PSN-> "im1slowlance". I'm on pretty often. I got my premium membership, so who else is going to show LT some love?
What whaaaat! Id have to buy it again. I put some money in the lt fund earlier this year before the membership was officially rolled out. I should have a supporting member badge but he hasn't made that yet or the super mod badges yet. Oh yea im jogenmaru on psn and xbox live.
So...you guys remember me telling you about my ex earlier this week? Yeah, she called me last night. She told me that she's getting a divorce, and threw the idea of our kids getting together to play. Turns out...she has moved back into her parent's place...2 miles from where we live.