Random Thoughts Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    Why is it you can never keep anything nice no matter how hard you try and how well you take care of something? I went out to my car Monday morning and some time over the weekend... I have no idea when or where or how, but I have a baseball sized dent with chipped paint over my rear driver side door. I never noticed it until Monday morning. This is gonna be expensive I think cuz its on the crease :(
  2. Belgaram

    Belgaram Well-Known Member

    And that douche bag in the Vette deserves everything he gets. Up to and including the careless driving summons, insurance surcharges, rediculous repair bill, and humiliation of having to stand there in front of everyone watching because he couldn't control his vehicle.
  3. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

  4. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

  5. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    500th post!
  6. Fuz1On

    Fuz1On Well-Known Member


    My wife just called me at work to tell me that my 2year old daughter just sprayed our 47in LED TV with windex until it soaked inside and started fizzling up in smoke. Byebye $1000. LOL great....
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    ^ That sucks. And the same thing happened to me Belgaram. Was parked in a parking lot, and someone decided to put a dent in my back quarter. Still haven't fixed it though.
  8. y2ray7697

    y2ray7697 Well-Known Member

    I hate KNOWING i have money to buy parts...but being so frugal with money I don't freakin buy anything!
  9. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Lol! Me too. I just save and save. Which is good, I guess.
  10. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    I have free internet because of my new neighbors at my apartment aren't password protected. Hhhmmmm what to download? Lol

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  11. Chains

    Chains Well-Known Member

    OK, now having your internet not secure is one thing but, do they at least have their computer's sharing turned off? Hope your neighbor's wife/gf is hot, you never know what you'll find ... lol.

  12. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    I don't know just yet. I only checked it with my phone. I have yet to hook up my computer until sunday afternoon when I finish with my move. That's when all the big stuff like couches get moved in to the new place.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  13. Chains

    Chains Well-Known Member

    You just moved to VA or what? I'm born and raised, only reason I left was because of the Army.
  14. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Tired of working on spreadsheets for a while....I think I'm going to go through and clean up some old posts....
  15. Fuz1On

    Fuz1On Well-Known Member

    let's just hope she isn't a grandmother freak with kinky pics. EW. LOL
  16. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Nope. Moved out of my parents house into my apartment with my gf. Where I am paying basically all the bills. She better pay all her shit off by this time next year cuz she has no reasons now. I pay for phone, rent, gas, food, electricity, and insurance. She makes more than me has less debt and is bitchin about being broke all the time. I wanna know where the fuck her money is going......

    And the older ladies love me! I think its the beard and mustache combo.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  17. Chains

    Chains Well-Known Member

    Wow ... Where is the money going? Does she at least have a closet full of shoes to account for all that dough? ... I pay rent for and my wife pays everything else.
  18. Fuz1On

    Fuz1On Well-Known Member

    Your lucky. I pay the rent, and everything else. My wife is a stay at home mom of 2 kids under 2 years old so it's understandable. We don't want our kids in daycare cuz XY reasons. I'm okay with it though.
  19. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Well im basically paying for everything. She only pays for her insurance on her car. She pays her car bill, and her walmart credit card and gas for her to get back and forth to work.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
  20. Chains

    Chains Well-Known Member

    No kids yet on my part, just made it past a year. Probably in the next 2 years. My wife can't not work, she goes crazy. I forgot about car and renters insurance, I pay that too. I still think she is getting off easy ... Lol