i have always reset my ecu when getting mods done like sri or muffler etc. my question is should i reset my ecu with the next stage power pro timing controler or just plug it in and let the ecu learn it? i know i know hafta frun 89 gas instead of 87 with the timing controler.
An intake can adjust the timing slightly from stock, depending on how much it changes the amount of air going into the engine. If it lets a higher volume of air, the ECU will see the car reading lean and adjust the timing slightly to compensate. I would say to leave it connected after the learning process of the CAI. If the ECU tries to learn the new intake and controler at the same time, the controller may not let the ECU reset for the maximum potential of the intake. Hopefully I put it in a way that sounds logical.... BTW, I think this is the only thing that Jog and I haven't agreed on.....so, do some research
Yeah I read a ton online and it says I should disconnect the battery while installing the timing controller so ill reset the evidence for the intake drive about 100 miles than reset the ecu while installing the timing controller. Sound about right ? My only other question is about the gas it says I have to run 89 or higher so should I just run 89 or go higher ? Stock I'm running 87 like the car calls for.
if it says you can run 89 or higher i would go up to 91 just for the fact that its cleaner and it does give a slight bit more power, as for any higher than that i wouldnt because youre not changing compression so you dont need anything higher than 91
i called road race he said to deff reset the ecu when installing and i shouldnt use anything over 91 they dont offer 91 here in cny just 87 89 93 so i put two gallons of 93 but will drive till thats empty than fill with 89 and put in the timing controler
Awesome, now I can install my TCB. I used to have it on (without the pin because RRM didnt send it) my car and it kept falling out and showing check engine. This time I will probably use some kind of mild glue or ziptie. I did not know I was supposed to run 89, so when I had it on I was running 87. Hope to see some gains, would be nice!
yeah you deff need to use 89 and i used double side tape and one self taping screw to mount the timing box. i like it so far.
i tryed to look into the works flash right now but only found it for a evo??? do they make one for non evo's?
i wish i knew before i spent money on the timing box but so far i like the timing box but im sure the flash would be better.
i want a hand held tuner that will ad hp and also increase the rev limit and take off the top end, are there any out there?
I think the only way to increase the rev limit would be to get a tune. Only devices out there I know that tune lancers are tactrix 2.0 cables and ecuflash and evoscan softwares. Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
i found the cable but have no idea about the flash or scans your talking about do you happen to have any links?
I forget but if you drive a 7th gen lancer (02-06) then you only need the 1.3u cable. But if you have the newer lancer you will need the 2.0 cable. You will also need ecuflash and evoscan. Yes its called evoscan and it but it works on lancers.